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Omnifactory: a National Training and Research Testbed for Smart Manufacturing Systems (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sanderson, D., Wang, Z., Bainbridge, D., & Ratchev, S. (2024, April). Omnifactory: a National Training and Research Testbed for Smart Manufacturing Systems. Presented at 14th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF), Twente, Netherlands

Omnifactory is a national experimental testbed and technology demonstrator for digital-enabled manufacturing technologies launched in March 2023 that was funded by the UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. Omnifac-tory has its foundations in a susta... Read More about Omnifactory: a National Training and Research Testbed for Smart Manufacturing Systems.

Automating the Generation of MBD-Driven Assembly Work Instruction Documentation for Aircraft Components (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Papadaki, A. R., Bacharoudis, K., Bainbridge, D., Burbage, N., Turner, A., Sanderson, D., Popov, A. A., & Ratchev, S. M. (2022, June). Automating the Generation of MBD-Driven Assembly Work Instruction Documentation for Aircraft Components. Presented at International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2022), Detroit, USA

The classical approach to the creation of assembly work instructions for high value, complex products is time-consuming and prone to error. It requires a process engineer to write the work instructions step-by-step and manually insert specific techni... Read More about Automating the Generation of MBD-Driven Assembly Work Instruction Documentation for Aircraft Components.

Implementation of dimensional management methodology and optimisation algorithms for pre-drilled hinge line interfaces of critical aero assemblies - A case study (2020)
Journal Article
Bacharoudis, K. C., Bainbridge, D., Turner, A., & Popov, A. A. (2021). Implementation of dimensional management methodology and optimisation algorithms for pre-drilled hinge line interfaces of critical aero assemblies - A case study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235(6-7), 1074-1083.

A dimensional management procedure is developed and implemented in this work to deal with the identification of the optimum hole diameter that needs to be pre-drilled in order to successfully join two subassemblies in a common hinge line interface wh... Read More about Implementation of dimensional management methodology and optimisation algorithms for pre-drilled hinge line interfaces of critical aero assemblies - A case study.