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Outputs (6)

Numerical modelling of Tb3+ doped selenide-chalcogenide multimode fibre based spontaneous emission sources (2017)
Journal Article
Sujecki, S., Sójka, L., Bereś-Pawlik, E., Sakr, H., Tang, Z., Barney, E. R., Furniss, D., Benson, T. M., & Seddon, A. B. (2017). Numerical modelling of Tb3+ doped selenide-chalcogenide multimode fibre based spontaneous emission sources. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 49(12), Article 416.

A model is developed of a terbium (III) ion doped selenide chalcogenide glass fibre source that provides spontaneous emission within the mid-infrared (MIR) wavelength range. Three numerical algorithms are used to calculate the solution and compare th... Read More about Numerical modelling of Tb3+ doped selenide-chalcogenide multimode fibre based spontaneous emission sources.

Modelling of multimode selenide-chalcogenide glass fibre based mir spontaneous emission sources (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sujecki, S., Sójka, L., Bereś-Pawlik, E., Piramidowicz, R., Sakr, H., Tang, Z., Barney, E., Furniss, D., Benson, T. M., & Seddon, A. B. (2017, July). Modelling of multimode selenide-chalcogenide glass fibre based mir spontaneous emission sources. Presented at 2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Girona, Spain

Chalcogenide glass fibres have been demonstrated as a suitable medium for the realisation of spontaneous emission sources for mid-infrared photonics applications with a particular emphasis on sensor technology. Such sources give a viable alternative... Read More about Modelling of multimode selenide-chalcogenide glass fibre based mir spontaneous emission sources.

Determining the refractive index dispersion and thickness of hot-pressed chalcogenide thin films from an improved Swanepoel method (2017)
Journal Article
Fang, Y., Jayasuriya, D., Furniss, D., Tang, Z., Sojka, Ł., Markos, C., Sujecki, S., Seddon, A., & Benson, T. (2017). Determining the refractive index dispersion and thickness of hot-pressed chalcogenide thin films from an improved Swanepoel method. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 49, Article 237.

The well-known method presented by Swanepoel can be used to determine the refractive index dispersion of thin films in the near-infrared region from wavelength values at maxima and minima, only, of the transmission interference fringes. In order to e... Read More about Determining the refractive index dispersion and thickness of hot-pressed chalcogenide thin films from an improved Swanepoel method.

Measurement of non-linear optical coefficients of chalcogenide glasses near the fundamental absorption band edge (2017)
Journal Article
Romanova, E., Kuzyutkina, Y., Shiryaev, V., Abdel-Moneim, N., Furniss, D., Benson, T., Seddon, A., & Guizard, S. (2018). Measurement of non-linear optical coefficients of chalcogenide glasses near the fundamental absorption band edge. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 480,

A time-resolved pump-probe method is used for the evaluation of non-linear optical coefficients of chalcogenide glasses from the As-S-Se and Ge-Se systems near their fundamental absorption band edges. The results are analyzed via comparison with the... Read More about Measurement of non-linear optical coefficients of chalcogenide glasses near the fundamental absorption band edge.

Promising emission behavior in Pr 3+ /In selenide-chalcogenide-glass small-core step index fiber (SIF) (2017)
Journal Article
Sakr, H., Tang, Z., Furniss, D., Sojka, L., Sujecki, S., Benson, T. M., & Seddon, A. B. (2017). Promising emission behavior in Pr 3+ /In selenide-chalcogenide-glass small-core step index fiber (SIF). Optical Materials, 67, 98-107.

Selenide-chalcogenide glass, small-core, step-index fiber (SIF), core-doped with Pr3+: 9.51 × 1024 ions m−3 (500 ppmw) is fabricated for the first time with indium to help solubilize Pr3+. Core diameters of 20 or 40 μm are confirmed using scanning el... Read More about Promising emission behavior in Pr 3+ /In selenide-chalcogenide-glass small-core step index fiber (SIF).