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Outputs (3)

Implementation of dimensional management methodology and optimisation algorithms for pre-drilled hinge line interfaces of critical aero assemblies - A case study (2020)
Journal Article
Bacharoudis, K. C., Bainbridge, D., Turner, A., & Popov, A. A. (2021). Implementation of dimensional management methodology and optimisation algorithms for pre-drilled hinge line interfaces of critical aero assemblies - A case study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235(6-7), 1074-1083.

A dimensional management procedure is developed and implemented in this work to deal with the identification of the optimum hole diameter that needs to be pre-drilled in order to successfully join two subassemblies in a common hinge line interface wh... Read More about Implementation of dimensional management methodology and optimisation algorithms for pre-drilled hinge line interfaces of critical aero assemblies - A case study.

Enhancing Learning Capabilities of Movement Primitives under Distributed Probabilistic Framework for Assembly Tasks (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, L., Jia, S., Wang, G., Turner, A., & Ratchev, S. (2020, October). Enhancing Learning Capabilities of Movement Primitives under Distributed Probabilistic Framework for Assembly Tasks. Presented at 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Toronto, ON, Canada

This paper presents a novel distributed probabilistic framework based on movement primitives for flexible robots assembly implementation. Since modern advanced industrial cell usually deals with various tasks that are not fixed via-point trajectories... Read More about Enhancing Learning Capabilities of Movement Primitives under Distributed Probabilistic Framework for Assembly Tasks.

Implementing large-scale Aerospace Assembly 4.0 demonstration systems? (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sanderson, D., Turner, A., Shires, E., Chaplin, J. C., & Ratchev, S. Implementing large-scale Aerospace Assembly 4.0 demonstration systems?. Presented at 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany

The Future Automated Aerospace Assembly phase 1 technology Demonstrator (FA3D) was commissioned at the University of Nottingham and used to demonstrate concepts from the EPSRC Evolvable Assembly Systems project in specific industrial use cases. A num... Read More about Implementing large-scale Aerospace Assembly 4.0 demonstration systems?.