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Outputs (18)

The missing group? Situating transnational contacts in defamilisation research (2020)
Journal Article
Wai Kam Yu, S., Foster, L., & Chui Man Chau, R. (2022). The missing group? Situating transnational contacts in defamilisation research. International Social Work, 65(5), 941–954.

Defamilisation research is increasingly seen as an important component of studies of welfare and social work. It is concerned with people’s vulnerability to defamilisation risks, which are caused by insufficient opportunities for people to choose whe... Read More about The missing group? Situating transnational contacts in defamilisation research.

Presenting a new defamilization and familization framework for investigating the residualization of old‐age income security measures—The case study of Hong Kong (2019)
Journal Article
Yu, S. W. K., Chau, R. C. M., & Jung, M.-A. (2020). Presenting a new defamilization and familization framework for investigating the residualization of old‐age income security measures—The case study of Hong Kong. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 14(1), 53-60.

Familisation and defamilisation studies are increasingly seen as an important component of welfare research. They are concerned with the threats to individuals’ welfare caused by involuntary participation in the unwanted family relationship. Moreove... Read More about Presenting a new defamilization and familization framework for investigating the residualization of old‐age income security measures—The case study of Hong Kong.

Familization risks, defamilization risks and older women (2019)
Journal Article
Chau, R. C., & Yu, S. W. (2021). Familization risks, defamilization risks and older women. Journal of Women and Aging, 33(3), 312-327.

© 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis. This article is about the familization and defamilization risks faced by older women. Such risks are generated by the lack of one or both of two conditions: the freedom to choose whether or not to perform certain fa... Read More about Familization risks, defamilization risks and older women.

Defamilisation and familisation risks, adult worker models, and pro-employment/decommodification measures for women: the case of Hong Kong (2018)
Journal Article
Yu, S. W.-K., Chau, C.-M. R., & Kühner, S. (2018). Defamilisation and familisation risks, adult worker models, and pro-employment/decommodification measures for women: the case of Hong Kong. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 1-17.

This paper is concerned with the research areas of defamilisation/familisation and adult worker models. It particularly focuses on demonstrating how the study of government pro-employment and decommodification measures for reducing defamilisation and... Read More about Defamilisation and familisation risks, adult worker models, and pro-employment/decommodification measures for women: the case of Hong Kong.

The impact of defamilisation measures on gender and pensions: a comparison between the UK and seven other European countries (2017)
Journal Article
Foster, L., Chau, R., & Yu, S. (2017). The impact of defamilisation measures on gender and pensions: a comparison between the UK and seven other European countries. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 25(3), 199-217.

This article uses individual-based and state-led care-focused defamilisation indices to explore women's employment opportunities and experiences and their implications for pension contributions. These two types of defamilisation indices are applied t... Read More about The impact of defamilisation measures on gender and pensions: a comparison between the UK and seven other European countries.

The effects of defamilization and familization measures on the accumulation of retirement income for women in the UK (2017)
Journal Article
Chau, R. C. M., Foster, L., & Yu, S. W. K. (2017). The effects of defamilization and familization measures on the accumulation of retirement income for women in the UK. Journal of Women and Aging, 29(6), 551-561.

This article is concerned with the link between the effects of pro-market pension reforms on women and familization/defamilization measures. It aims to contribute to the study of this link in three ways. Firstly, it identifies defamilization/familiza... Read More about The effects of defamilization and familization measures on the accumulation of retirement income for women in the UK.