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Outputs (18)

Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data (2024)
Journal Article
Abubakar, A. M., Seymour, R. G., Gardner, A., Lambert, I., Fyson, R., & Wright, N. (2024). Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data. Journal of Public Health, 46(4), 498-505.

Exploitation poses a significant public health concern. This paper highlights ‘jigsaw pieces’ of statistical evidence, indicating cognitive impairment as a pre- or co-existing factor in exploitation.

We reviewed English Safegu... Read More about Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data.

Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review (2024)
Journal Article
Lambert, I., Wright, N., Gardner, A., Fyson, R., Abubakar, A., & Clawson, R. (2024). Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse,

Exploitation is a form of abuse that occurs when one person unfairly manipulates another for profit or personal gain. Various individual and social characteristics have the potential to increase an individual’s risk of being exploited. Cognitive impa... Read More about Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review.

Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse: An under-Recognised Safeguarding Issue? (2023)
Journal Article
Brookfield, K., Fyson, R., & Goulden, M. (2024). Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse: An under-Recognised Safeguarding Issue?. British Journal of Social Work, 54(1), 419-436.

Responding to domestic abuse is a key element of social work practice, in both child protection and adult safeguarding. This article sets out the ways in which rapid technological advances are being co-opted by perpetrators of domestic abuse to creat... Read More about Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse: An under-Recognised Safeguarding Issue?.

Ambivalence about disability: Why people with mild learning difficulties who are looking for employment may not identify as disabled (2022)
Journal Article
Tarlo, R., Fyson, R., & Roberts, S. (2024). Ambivalence about disability: Why people with mild learning difficulties who are looking for employment may not identify as disabled. Disability and Society, 39(3), 548-570.

UK government policies over several decades have sought to actively encourage disabled people to take up paid employment, most recently by focusing on the ‘gap’ between employment rates of disabled and non-disabled people. These policies implicitly a... Read More about Ambivalence about disability: Why people with mild learning difficulties who are looking for employment may not identify as disabled.

Talking about learning disability: Discursive acts in managing an ideological dilemma (2022)
Journal Article
Cluley, V., Pilnick, A., & Fyson, R. (2022). Talking about learning disability: Discursive acts in managing an ideological dilemma. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, Article 100088.

Learning disability is a term that can mean different things to different people. It is also a term that has undergone much revision and critique, being linked to stigma and prejudice. Consequently, talking about learning disability can be a delicate... Read More about Talking about learning disability: Discursive acts in managing an ideological dilemma.

Improving the inclusivity and credibility of visual research: interpretive engagement as a route to including the voices of people with learning disabilities in analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Cluley, V., Pilnick, A., & Fyson, R. (2021). Improving the inclusivity and credibility of visual research: interpretive engagement as a route to including the voices of people with learning disabilities in analysis. Visual Studies, 36(4-5), 524-536.

Visual methods are often used in social science because of the potential for inclusivity and accessibility. In disability studies in particular, inclusive research is widely viewed as best practice and visual methods are often considered more accessi... Read More about Improving the inclusivity and credibility of visual research: interpretive engagement as a route to including the voices of people with learning disabilities in analysis.

The demographics of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities: findings from a national database (2020)
Journal Article
Clawson, R., Patterson, A., Fyson, R., & McCarthy, M. (2020). The demographics of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities: findings from a national database. Journal of Adult Protection, 22(2), 59-74.

The purpose of this study is to compare the UK demographics of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities and people without learning disabilities to inform effective safeguarding practice.

An analys... Read More about The demographics of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities: findings from a national database.

Staff understandings of abuse and poor practice in residential settings for adults with intellectual disabilities (2019)
Journal Article
Fyson, R., & Patterson, A. (2020). Staff understandings of abuse and poor practice in residential settings for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 33(3), 354-363.


A common factor in the abuse of people with intellectual disabilities in residential settings has been the failure of care staff and frontline managers to recognise poor practice at an early stage and prevent its development into a cult... Read More about Staff understandings of abuse and poor practice in residential settings for adults with intellectual disabilities.

Theorising disability: a practical and representative ontology of learning disability (2019)
Journal Article
Cluely, V., Fyson, R., & Pilnick, A. (2019). Theorising disability: a practical and representative ontology of learning disability. Disability and Society, 35(2), 235-257.

This article contributes to the ongoing development of the theorisation of learning disability, focusing on the value of the ontological turn. We argue that while social theory has influenced understandings of disability within academia, particularly... Read More about Theorising disability: a practical and representative ontology of learning disability.

Forced marriage of people with learning disabilities: a human rights issue (2017)
Journal Article
Clawson, R., & Fyson, R. (2017). Forced marriage of people with learning disabilities: a human rights issue. Disability and Society, 32(6), 810-830.

This paper reports some of the findings of an exploratory study which sought to better understand the demographics of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities and the contexts in which such marriages may occur. It was found that forced ma... Read More about Forced marriage of people with learning disabilities: a human rights issue.