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Inpatient Institutional Care: The Forced Social Environment (2021)
Journal Article
Joyes, E. C., Jordan, M., Winship, G., & Crawford, P. (2021). Inpatient Institutional Care: The Forced Social Environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 690384.

The landscape of mental health recovery is changing; there have been calls for a shift from the clinical expertise being the dominant voice within mental healthcare towards a more personalised and collaborative service that supports those in need of... Read More about Inpatient Institutional Care: The Forced Social Environment.

Stronger together: learning from an interdisciplinary dementia, arts and well-being network (DA&WN) (2019)
Journal Article
Tischler, V., Schneider, J., Morgner, C., Crawford, P., Dening, T., Brooker, D., Garabedian, C., Myers, T., Early, F., Shaughnessy, N., Innes, A., Duncan, K., Prashar, A., McDermott, O., Coaten, R., Eland, D., & Harvey, K. (2019). Stronger together: learning from an interdisciplinary dementia, arts and well-being network (DA&WN). Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 11(3), 272-277.

There is increasing interest in the use of arts and creative activity to enhance dementia care (e.g. Beard, 2012; Cowl & Gaugler, 2014; Young, Camic & Tischler, 2016), and to bring together and support professionals and those who use services, see Cr... Read More about Stronger together: learning from an interdisciplinary dementia, arts and well-being network (DA&WN).

Capoeira for beginners: self-benefit for, and community action by, new Capoeiristas (2018)
Journal Article
Jordan, M., Wright, E. J., Purser, A., Grundy, A., Joyes, E., Wright, N., Crawford, P., & Manning, N. (2018). Capoeira for beginners: self-benefit for, and community action by, new Capoeiristas. Sport, Education and Society, 24(7), 756-769.

Capoeira could be defined as a Brazilian martial art and game to be played. This research explored how capoeira play might be considered to facilitate connectedness amongst newly-recruited persons, plus any other ramifications of capoeira involvement... Read More about Capoeira for beginners: self-benefit for, and community action by, new Capoeiristas.

Health, hygiene and biosecurity: tribal knowledge claims in the UK poultry industry (2009)
Journal Article
Nerlich, B., Brown, B., & Crawford, P. (2009). Health, hygiene and biosecurity: tribal knowledge claims in the UK poultry industry. Health, Risk and Society, 11(6),

Since 1997 the world has been facing the threat of a human influenza pandemic that may be caused by an avian virus and the poultry industry around the globe has been grappling with the highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza H5N1, or in more info... Read More about Health, hygiene and biosecurity: tribal knowledge claims in the UK poultry industry.

The habitus of hygiene: discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work (2008)
Journal Article
Brown, B., Crawford, P., Nerlich, B., & Koteyko, N. (2008). The habitus of hygiene: discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work. Social Science and Medicine, 67(7),

This paper reports upon a qualitative interview study of 22 matrons, infection control staff and operating theatre staff who were questioned about their working lives and the role they played in the control of healthcare acquired infections such as M... Read More about The habitus of hygiene: discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work.

‘Not rocket science’ or ‘No silver bullet’? Media and government discourses about MRSA and cleanliness (2008)
Journal Article
Koteyko, N., Nerlich, B., Crawford, P., & Wright, N. (2008). ‘Not rocket science’ or ‘No silver bullet’? Media and government discourses about MRSA and cleanliness. Applied Linguistics, 29(2),

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), commonly called a superbug, has recently been a major political issue in the UK, playing a significant role in debates over health policy in the general election held in 2005. While science recogniz... Read More about ‘Not rocket science’ or ‘No silver bullet’? Media and government discourses about MRSA and cleanliness.