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Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey (2014)
Journal Article
Dean, J. R., Eastwood, W. J., Roberts, N., Jones, M. D., Yiğitbaşıoğlu, H., Allcock, S. L., Woodbridge, J., Metcalfe, S. E., & Leng, M. J. (2015). Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey. Journal of Hydrology, 529(2), 608-621.

Palaeo-hydrological interpretations of lake sediment proxies can benefit from a robust understanding of the modern lake environment. In this study, we use Nar Gölü, a non-outlet, monomictic maar lake in central Turkey, as a field site for a natural e... Read More about Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey.

Hydrology and climatology at Laguna La Gaiba, lowland Bolivia: complex responses to climatic forcings over the last 25,000 years (2014)
Journal Article
Metcalfe, S., Whitney, B., Fitzpatrick, K., Mayle, F., Loader, N., Street-Perrott, F., & Mann, D. (2014). Hydrology and climatology at Laguna La Gaiba, lowland Bolivia: complex responses to climatic forcings over the last 25,000 years. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(3),

Diatom, geochemical and isotopic data provide a record of environmental change in Laguna La Gaiba, lowland Bolivia, over the last ca. 25 000 years. High-resolution diatom analysis around the last glacial–interglacial transition provides new insights... Read More about Hydrology and climatology at Laguna La Gaiba, lowland Bolivia: complex responses to climatic forcings over the last 25,000 years.