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Outputs (41)

Seasonality in Faecal Contamination of Drinking Water Sources in the Jirapa and Kassena-Nankana Municipalities of Ghana (2020)
Journal Article
Dongzagla, A., Jewitt, S., & O'Hara, S. (2021). Seasonality in Faecal Contamination of Drinking Water Sources in the Jirapa and Kassena-Nankana Municipalities of Ghana. Science of the Total Environment, 752, Article 141846.

This paper examines seasonal variations in faecal contamination of drinking water sources in the Jirapa and Kassena-Nankana Municipalities of Ghana. Data collection involved a survey of 568 households, testing of faecal coliform concentrations in dri... Read More about Seasonality in Faecal Contamination of Drinking Water Sources in the Jirapa and Kassena-Nankana Municipalities of Ghana.

Energy and the environment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Household perceptions of improved cookstoves (2020)
Book Chapter
Jewitt, S., Atagher, P., Clifford, M., Ray, C., & Sesan, T. (2020). Energy and the environment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Household perceptions of improved cookstoves. In T. Haller, & C. Zingerli (Eds.), Towards Shared Research: Participatory and Integrative Approaches in Researching African Environments – Opportunities, Challenges, Actualities in Natural and Social Sciences (91-124). Transcript Verlag

Around 2.7 billion people globally and 80% of households in Sub-Saharan Africa rely on solid biomass fuels for cooking and heating. This results in high levels of exposure to household air pollution (HAP); the second most common cause of death in eas... Read More about Energy and the environment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Household perceptions of improved cookstoves.

“We cannot stop cooking”: Stove stacking, seasonality and the risky practices of household cookstove transitions in Nigeria (2019)
Journal Article
Jewitt, S., Atagher, P., & Clifford, M. (2020). “We cannot stop cooking”: Stove stacking, seasonality and the risky practices of household cookstove transitions in Nigeria. Energy Research and Social Science, 61, Article 101340.

Drawing on qualitative data from three contrasting sites in Benue state, Nigeria, this paper explores how and why cooking system use and priorities vary over time and space as well as the influence of household air pollution (HAP)-related health risk... Read More about “We cannot stop cooking”: Stove stacking, seasonality and the risky practices of household cookstove transitions in Nigeria.

“We Learnt that Being Together Would Give us a Voice”: Gender Perspectives on the East African Improved-Cookstove Value Chain (2019)
Journal Article
Sesan, T., Clifford, M., Jewitt, S., & Ray, C. (2019). “We Learnt that Being Together Would Give us a Voice”: Gender Perspectives on the East African Improved-Cookstove Value Chain. Feminist Economics, 25(4), 240-266.

© 2019, © 2019 IAFFE. Improved cookstoves (ICS) have been promoted for several decades, with little success. Advocates looking to drive uptake encourage greater involvement of women in ICS enterprises, on the largely unproven premise that women’s par... Read More about “We Learnt that Being Together Would Give us a Voice”: Gender Perspectives on the East African Improved-Cookstove Value Chain.

Assessment of Fluoride Concentrations in Drinking Water Sources in the Jirapa and Kassena-Nankana Municipalities of Ghana (2019)
Journal Article
Dongzagla, A., Jewitt, S., & O'Hara, S. (2019). Assessment of Fluoride Concentrations in Drinking Water Sources in the Jirapa and Kassena-Nankana Municipalities of Ghana. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 9, Article 100272

Fluoride is an important chemical for human health. However, its deficiency or excess in the human body poses health problems. In Ghana, the geological formation in the Upper Regions exposes groundwater, the main source of drinking water to risk of e... Read More about Assessment of Fluoride Concentrations in Drinking Water Sources in the Jirapa and Kassena-Nankana Municipalities of Ghana.

A retrospective analysis of responsible innovation for low-technology innovation in the Global South (2019)
Journal Article
Hartley, S., McLeod, C., Clifford, M., Jewitt, S., & Ray, C. (2019). A retrospective analysis of responsible innovation for low-technology innovation in the Global South. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 6(2), 143-162.

The role of low-technology innovation in addressing global challenges is undervalued. Responsible innovation (RI) has the potential to direct low-technology innovation toward global challenges in the Global South, yet this possibility remains largely... Read More about A retrospective analysis of responsible innovation for low-technology innovation in the Global South.

Toilet training: what can the cookstove sector learn from improved sanitation promotion? (2018)
Journal Article
Sesan, T., Jewitt, S., Clifford, M., & Ray, C. (2018). Toilet training: what can the cookstove sector learn from improved sanitation promotion?. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 28(6), 667-682.

Within the domain of public health, commonalities exist between the sanitation and cookstove sectors. Despite these commonalities and the grounds established for cross-learning between both sectors, however, there has not been much evidence of knowle... Read More about Toilet training: what can the cookstove sector learn from improved sanitation promotion?.

Sanitation sustainability, seasonality and stacking: improved facilities for how long, where and whom? (2018)
Journal Article
Jewitt, S., Mahanta, A., & Gaur, K. (2018). Sanitation sustainability, seasonality and stacking: improved facilities for how long, where and whom?. Geographical Journal, 184(3), 255-268.

Despite high-profile efforts to ‘reinvent the toilet’ (Gates Foundation, 2014) and ‘end open defecation’ (UNICEF, 2016a), WHO/UNICEF, (2017) estimated that in 2015, 2.3 billion lacked access to improved sanitation and 892 million practised open defec... Read More about Sanitation sustainability, seasonality and stacking: improved facilities for how long, where and whom?.

Demanding the impossible: a strike zine (2018)
Legg, S., Clare, N., Field, R., Forsyth, I., Freeman, C., French, S., Jewitt, S., Langmead, K., McGowan, S., Morris, C., Norcup, J., Seymour, S., & Soccorsy, E. (2018). Demanding the impossible: a strike zine

A co-authored and co-curated series of reflections on the 2018 UCU strikes in British Universities, protesting against proposed pension reforms.

Finance and the improved cookstove sector in East Africa: barriers and opportunities for value-chain actors (2018)
Journal Article
Hewitt, J., Ray, C., Jewitt, S., & Clifford, M. (2018). Finance and the improved cookstove sector in East Africa: barriers and opportunities for value-chain actors. Energy Policy, 117,

Despite a long history of diverse approaches designed to increase the adoption of improved cookstoves (ICS), multiple barriers continue to exist which stunt their uptake in many developing countries. This paper focuses specifically on the financial b... Read More about Finance and the improved cookstove sector in East Africa: barriers and opportunities for value-chain actors.