Intensifying Political Geographies of Authoritarianism: Toward an Anti-geopolitics of Garment Worker Struggles in Neoliberal Cambodia
Journal Article
Lawreniuk, S. (2020). Intensifying Political Geographies of Authoritarianism: Toward an Anti-geopolitics of Garment Worker Struggles in Neoliberal Cambodia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110(4), 1174-1191.
Cambodia’s recent crackdown on freedoms of expression, association, and assembly coincides with the wider geopolitical ascent of illiberal democracy. Scholarly and public discourse suggests that we are now witnessing a global authoritarian turn, poss... Read More about Intensifying Political Geographies of Authoritarianism: Toward an Anti-geopolitics of Garment Worker Struggles in Neoliberal Cambodia.