Business knowledges within and between the world city
Book Chapter
Faulconbridge, J., & Hall, S. (2011). Business knowledges within and between the world city. In B. Derudder, P. J. Taylor, & F. Witlox (Eds.), International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities (230-239). Edward Elgar Publishing
Outputs (22)
A comparative analysis of projected impacts of climate change on river runoff from global and catchment-scale hydrological models (2011)
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N., Taylor, R. G., Arnell, N. W., & Todd, M. C. (2011). A comparative analysis of projected impacts of climate change on river runoff from global and catchment-scale hydrological models. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(1), 279-294. present a comparative analysis of projected impacts of climate change on river runoff from two types of distributed hydrological model, a global hydrological model (GHM) and catchment-scale hydrological models (CHM). Analyses are conducted for six... Read More about A comparative analysis of projected impacts of climate change on river runoff from global and catchment-scale hydrological models.
DAMP: a protocol for contextualising goodness-of-fit statistics in sediment-discharge data-driven modelling (2011)
Journal Article
Abrahart, R., Mount, N. J., Ab Ghani, N., Clifford, N. J., & Dawson, C. (2011). DAMP: a protocol for contextualising goodness-of-fit statistics in sediment-discharge data-driven modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 409(3-4), decision sequence which guides the selection of a preferred data-driven modelling solution is usually based solely on statistical assessment of fit to a test dataset, and lacks the incorporation of essential contextual knowledge and understanding... Read More about DAMP: a protocol for contextualising goodness-of-fit statistics in sediment-discharge data-driven modelling.
Multimodel estimate of the global terrestrial water balance: Setup and first results (2011)
Journal Article
Haddeland, I., Clark, D. B., Franssen, W., Ludwig, F., Voß, F., Arnell, N. W., Bertrand, N., Best, M., Folwell, S., Gerten, D., Gomes, S., Gosling, S. N., Hagemann, S., Hanasaki, N., Harding, R., Heinke, J., Kabat, P., Koirala, S., Oki, T., Polcher, J., …Yeh, P. (2011). Multimodel estimate of the global terrestrial water balance: Setup and first results. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12(5), 869-884. land surface models and five global hydrological models participate in a model intercomparison project [WaterModel Intercomparison Project (WaterMIP)], which for the first time compares simulation results of these different classes of models in a... Read More about Multimodel estimate of the global terrestrial water balance: Setup and first results.
Servicing the super-rich: new financial elites and the rise of the private wealth management retail ecology (2011)
Journal Article
Beaverstock, J. V., Hall, S., & Wainwright, T. (2011). Servicing the super-rich: new financial elites and the rise of the private wealth management retail ecology. Regional Studies, 47(6), ways in which individuals' everyday lives have become increasingly tied into the international financial system has become a widely studied dimension of research on financialization. However, the ways in which financial elites consume financial s... Read More about Servicing the super-rich: new financial elites and the rise of the private wealth management retail ecology.
The benefits of quantifying climate model uncertainty in climate change impacts assessment: An example with heat-related mortality change estimates (2011)
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N., McGregor, G. R., & Lowe, J. A. (2012). The benefits of quantifying climate model uncertainty in climate change impacts assessment: An example with heat-related mortality change estimates. Climatic Change, 112(2), 217-231. majority of climate change impacts assessments account for climate change uncertainty by adopting the scenario-based approach. This typically involves assessing the impacts for a small number of emissions scenarios but neglecting the role of clim... Read More about The benefits of quantifying climate model uncertainty in climate change impacts assessment: An example with heat-related mortality change estimates.
Towards corporate professionalization: The case of project management, management consultancy and executive search (2011)
Journal Article
Muzio, D., Hodgson, D., Faulconbridge, J., Beaverstock, J., & Hall, S. (2011). Towards corporate professionalization: The case of project management, management consultancy and executive search. Current Sociology, 59(4), 443-464. article explores patterns of professionalization in a number of 'new' knowledge-based occupations: management consultancy, project management and executive headhunters. Against a general assumption in the literature that such occupations are unw... Read More about Towards corporate professionalization: The case of project management, management consultancy and executive search.
A case study of avoiding the heat-related mortality impacts of climate change under mitigation scenarios (2011)
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N., & Lowe, J. A. (2011). A case study of avoiding the heat-related mortality impacts of climate change under mitigation scenarios. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 6, 104-111. compare heat-related mortality impacts for three European cities, London, Lisbon and Budapest, under five climate change policies representing different dates at which carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions peak, rates at which emissions decline, and emis... Read More about A case study of avoiding the heat-related mortality impacts of climate change under mitigation scenarios.
A review of recent developments in climate change science. Part II: The global-scale impacts of climate change (2011)
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N., Warren, R., Arnell, N. W., Good, P., Caesar, J., Bernie, D., Lowe, J. A., van der Linden, P., O'Hanley, J. R., & Smith, S. M. (2011). A review of recent developments in climate change science. Part II: The global-scale impacts of climate change. Progress in Physical Geography, 35(4), 443-464. article presents a review of recent developments in studies assessing the global-scale impacts of climate change published since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Literature covering six main im... Read More about A review of recent developments in climate change science. Part II: The global-scale impacts of climate change.
Trans-local academic credentials and the (re)production of financial elites (2011)
Journal Article
Hall, S., & Appleyard, L. (2011). Trans-local academic credentials and the (re)production of financial elites. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(2), 247-264. paper examines the ways in which credentials from a range of education providers are used to (re)produce transnational financial elites in London's international financial district. Extant research has examined the long-standing relationship bet... Read More about Trans-local academic credentials and the (re)production of financial elites.