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Outputs (5)

Holocene Vegetation Dynamics and First Land-Cover Estimates in the Auvergne Mountains (Massif Central, France): Key Tools to Landscape Management (2018)
Journal Article
Miras, Y., Mariani, M., Ledger, P. M., Mayoral, A., Chassiot, L., & Lavrieux, M. (2018). Holocene Vegetation Dynamics and First Land-Cover Estimates in the Auvergne Mountains (Massif Central, France): Key Tools to Landscape Management. Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica: Natural Sciences in Archaeology, IX (2018)(2), 179-190.

A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation has been undertaken at high spatio-temporal resolution in the Lower Auvergne Mountains (France). It allows us to investigate the Holocene trajectories of landscape evolution arising from the interplay betw... Read More about Holocene Vegetation Dynamics and First Land-Cover Estimates in the Auvergne Mountains (Massif Central, France): Key Tools to Landscape Management.

Climate Change Amplifications of Climate-Fire Teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere (2018)
Journal Article
Mariani, M., Holz, A., Veblen, T. T., Williamson, G., Fletcher, M.-S., & Bowman, D. M. J. S. (2018). Climate Change Amplifications of Climate-Fire Teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(10), 5071-5081.

©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Recent changes in trend and variability of the main Southern Hemisphere climate modes are driven by a variety of factors, including increasing atmospheric greenhouse gases, changes in tropical s... Read More about Climate Change Amplifications of Climate-Fire Teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere.

Centennial-scale trends in the Southern Annular Mode revealed by hemisphere-wide fire and hydroclimatic trends over the past 2400 years (2018)
Journal Article
Fletcher, M.-S., Benson, A., Bowman, D. M., Gadd, P. S., Heijnis, H., Mariani, M., Saunders, K. M., Wolfe, B. B., & Zawadzki, A. (2018). Centennial-scale trends in the Southern Annular Mode revealed by hemisphere-wide fire and hydroclimatic trends over the past 2400 years. Geology, 46(4), 363-366.

Millennial-scale latitudinal shifts in the southern westerly winds (SWW) drive changes in Southern Ocean upwelling, leading to changes in atmospheric CO2 levels, thereby affecting the global climate and carbon cycle. Our aim here is to understand whe... Read More about Centennial-scale trends in the Southern Annular Mode revealed by hemisphere-wide fire and hydroclimatic trends over the past 2400 years.