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Outputs (73)

Photic zone changes in the north-west Pacific Ocean from MIS 4–5e (2015)
Journal Article
Swann, G., & Snelling, A. M. (2015). Photic zone changes in the north-west Pacific Ocean from MIS 4–5e. Climate of the Past, 11(1),

In comparison to other sectors of the marine system, the palaeoceanography of the subarctic North Pacific Ocean is poorly constrained. New diatom isotope records of δ13C, δ18O δ30Si (δ13Cdiatom, δ18Odiatom and δ30Sidiatom) are presented alongside exi... Read More about Photic zone changes in the north-west Pacific Ocean from MIS 4–5e.

Silica stable isotopes and silicification in a carnivorous sponge Asbestopluma sp. (2015)
Journal Article
Hendry, K., Swann, G. E., Leng, M. J., Sloane, H. J., Goodwin, C., Berman, J., & Maldonado, M. (2015). Silica stable isotopes and silicification in a carnivorous sponge Asbestopluma sp. Biogeosciences, 12,

The stable isotope composition of benthic sponge spicule silica is a potential source of palaeoceanographic information about past deep seawater chemistry. The silicon isotope composition of spicules has been shown to relate to the silicic acid conce... Read More about Silica stable isotopes and silicification in a carnivorous sponge Asbestopluma sp..

δ18O Records from Fossil Diatoms (2014)
Book Chapter
Leng, M., Barker, P., Swann, G., & Snelling, A. (2014). δ18O Records from Fossil Diatoms. .

Diatom silica is a form of biogenic opal (SiO2⋅ nH2O) that contains oxygen isotopes that can be used in lacustrine and marine paleoenvironmental studies. Here we describe the various analytical considerations and methodologies to achieve good environ... Read More about δ18O Records from Fossil Diatoms.

Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions (2014)
Journal Article
Snelling, A. M., Swann, G. E. A., Pike, J., & Leng, M. J. (2014). Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions. Climate of the Past Discussions, 10(5), 1837-1842.

Oxygen isotope analyses of different size fractions of Pliocene diatoms (δ18Odiatom) from the Bering Sea show no evidence of an isotope offset and support the use of bulk diatom species samples for palaeoceanographic reconstructions. Additional sampl... Read More about Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions.

Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions (2014)
Journal Article
Snelling, A. M., Swann, G., Pike, J., & Leng, M. J. (2014). Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions. Climate of the Past, 10,

Oxygen isotope analyses of different size fractions of Pliocene diatoms (δ18Odiatom) from the Bering Sea show no evidence of an isotope offset and support the use of bulk diatom species samples for palaeoceanographic reconstructions. Additional sampl... Read More about Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions.

DIATOM METHODS | δ18O Records (2013)
Book Chapter
Leng, M. J., Barker, P. A., Swann, G. E., & Snelling, A. M. (2013). DIATOM METHODS | δ18O Records. In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (second revised edition) (481-488). Elsevier.

© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Diatom silica is a form of biogenic opal (SiO2·nH2O) that contains oxygen isotopes that can be used in lacustrine and marine paleoenvironmental studies. Here we describe the various analytical considerations... Read More about DIATOM METHODS | δ18O Records.

Hydrological instability during the Last Interglacial in central Asia: a new diatom oxygen isotope record from Lake Baikal (2013)
Journal Article
Mackay, A. W., Swann, G. E., Fagel, N., Fietz, S., Leng, M. J., Morley, D., Rioual, P., & Tarasov, P. (2013). Hydrological instability during the Last Interglacial in central Asia: a new diatom oxygen isotope record from Lake Baikal. Quaternary Science Reviews, 66, 45-54.

Last Interglacial variability is commonly used as an analogue for variability in a future, warmer world. Pervasive cycles are increasingly apparent in Last Interglacial archives, although studies in continental regions are under-represented. Here we... Read More about Hydrological instability during the Last Interglacial in central Asia: a new diatom oxygen isotope record from Lake Baikal.

Palaeo-seasonality of the last two millennia reconstructed from the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatom silica from Nar Gölü, central Turkey (2013)
Journal Article
Dean, J. R., Jones, M. D., Leng, M. J., Sloane, H. J., Neil Roberts, C. N., Woodbridge, J., Swann, G. E., Metcalfe, S. E., Eastwood, W. J., & Yiǧitbaşioǧlu, H. (2013). Palaeo-seasonality of the last two millennia reconstructed from the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatom silica from Nar Gölü, central Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews, 66, 35-44.

Carbonates and diatoms are rarely deposited together in lake sediments in sufficient quantities for the oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) to be investigated simultaneously from both hosts. Here, d18Ocarbonate are compared to δ18Odiatom data from the... Read More about Palaeo-seasonality of the last two millennia reconstructed from the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatom silica from Nar Gölü, central Turkey.