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Outputs (8)

Managing China's energy sector: between the market and the state (2014)
Journal Article
Lai, H., & Warner, M. (2014). Managing China's energy sector: between the market and the state. Asia Pacific Business Review, 21(1),

As China has now become the largest energy consumer in the world, its energy sector has understandably huge domestic and global implications. In this Special Issue, which is an interdisciplinary one, comprising a set of eight in-depth empirical studi... Read More about Managing China's energy sector: between the market and the state.

Rationale of internationalization of China's national oil companies: seeking natural resources, strategic assets or sectoral specialization? (2014)
Journal Article
Lai, H., O'Hara, S., & Wysoczanska, K. (2015). Rationale of internationalization of China's national oil companies: seeking natural resources, strategic assets or sectoral specialization?. Asia Pacific Business Review, 21(1), 77-95.

The bulk of the existing literature emphasized that China's companies sought strategic assets (technology, brands and access to markets) through internationalization in order to overcome latecomers' comparative disadvantage, while some studies sugges... Read More about Rationale of internationalization of China's national oil companies: seeking natural resources, strategic assets or sectoral specialization?.

Transformation of China’s energy sector: trends and challenges (2014)
Journal Article
Lai, H., & Warner, M. (2014). Transformation of China’s energy sector: trends and challenges. Asia Pacific Business Review, 21(1),

The conclusions presented here sum up the contributions in the Special Issue regarding the managing of China's energy sector, particularly regarding the demand and profile of energy as well as the marketization of the sector. Strategic, organizationa... Read More about Transformation of China’s energy sector: trends and challenges.

Domestic Bureaucratic Politics and Chinese Foreign Policy (2013)
Journal Article
Lai, H., & Kang, S.-J. (2014). Domestic Bureaucratic Politics and Chinese Foreign Policy. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(86), 294-313.

One of the outstanding features of China's domestic politics is the prominence of the bureaucracy in the policy-making process. Arguably, bureaucracy is the next major player in the policy-making process in China after the top leaders. In this articl... Read More about Domestic Bureaucratic Politics and Chinese Foreign Policy.

Uneven opening of China's society, economy, and politics: pro-growth authoritarian governance and protests in China (2010)
Journal Article
Lai, H. (2010). Uneven opening of China's society, economy, and politics: pro-growth authoritarian governance and protests in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 19(67),

This article evaluates China's model of development, especially its main component, i.e. its model of governance. It suggests that China's model of development is marked by an imbalance between fast opening of the economy and the society and sluggish... Read More about Uneven opening of China's society, economy, and politics: pro-growth authoritarian governance and protests in China.

China’s ethnic policies: political dimension and challenges (2009)
Journal Article
Lai, H. (2009). China’s ethnic policies: political dimension and challenges. East Asian Policy, 1(3),

Dramatic developments in Tibet and Xinjiang since 2008 have highlighted the challenges to China’s ethnic policies. The pillar of China’s ethnic policies is regional autonomy for ethnic minorities. Ethnic areas enjoy limited administrative autonomy an... Read More about China’s ethnic policies: political dimension and challenges.

China's oil diplomacy: is it a global security threat? (2007)
Journal Article
Lai, H. (2007). China's oil diplomacy: is it a global security threat?. Third World Quarterly, 28(3),

China is now the world's second largest oil consuming nation. China's external quest for oil has thus generated much attention and is believed by many to destabilise the world order. This article attempts to provide an overview of China's external in... Read More about China's oil diplomacy: is it a global security threat?.

Contrasts in China and Soviet reform: sub-national and national causes (2005)
Journal Article
Lai, H. (2005). Contrasts in China and Soviet reform: sub-national and national causes. Asian Journal of Political Science, 13(1),

Why did reform in China and the former Soviet Union produce drastically different outcomes? Why did some provinces in China embrace faster economic reform than others? This article argues that the state sector and reform initiatives in the sub-nation... Read More about Contrasts in China and Soviet reform: sub-national and national causes.