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Outputs (8)

Exploring edible insects as feed in the UK: current challenges and future prospects (2024)
Journal Article
Tiwasing, P., & Pate, L. (2024). Exploring edible insects as feed in the UK: current challenges and future prospects. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1-17.

Edible insects are gaining attention within the UK’s feed industry, driven by their environmental and nutritional advantages. However, the UK insect sector is still relatively new. Therefore, this study aims to explore the primary challenges and oppo... Read More about Exploring edible insects as feed in the UK: current challenges and future prospects.

Designing financial products that support rural livelihoods: making microfinance work for the poor (2023)
Book Chapter
Zana Naab, G., Arora, R., Anand, P., Zana Naab, F., Tiwasing, P., & Kwadwo Danquah, J. (2023). Designing financial products that support rural livelihoods: making microfinance work for the poor. In Entrepreneurial Financial Resilience and Financial Innovation in a Turbulent Era (155-189). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Markets matter for everyone. Inclusive market systems tend to offer the poor the services needed to sustain their livelihoods. The chapter examines the operations of three financial institutions: Sinapi Aba Trust (SAT), St Joseph's Cooperative Credit... Read More about Designing financial products that support rural livelihoods: making microfinance work for the poor.

Seeking more planet-friendly proteins: edible insects and the future (2023)
Book Chapter
Ferreira, J., Tiwasing, P., Bek, D., Siriamornpun, S., Weerapreeyakul, N., & Tanomtong, A. (2023). Seeking more planet-friendly proteins: edible insects and the future. In Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption: Contemporary Research in Responsible and Sustainable Consumer Behaviour (123-135). Edward Elgar Publishing.

There are over 2,000 species of edible insect on the planet, and while only a small number of these are eaten widely, eating insects is a regular part of many diets across the world. Edible insects represent a more sustainable food source for consume... Read More about Seeking more planet-friendly proteins: edible insects and the future.

Rural businesses and levelling up: A rural-urban analysis of business innovation and exporting in England's north and midlands (2023)
Journal Article
Tiwasing, P., Gorton, M., Phillipson, J., & Maioli, S. (2023). Rural businesses and levelling up: A rural-urban analysis of business innovation and exporting in England's north and midlands. Journal of Rural Studies, 100, Article 103007.

In the face of persistent and widening regional imbalances in economic and social outcomes, the UK Government seeks to ‘level up’ less prosperous communities, reigniting debates on the relationships between geography and business innovation. A key qu... Read More about Rural businesses and levelling up: A rural-urban analysis of business innovation and exporting in England's north and midlands.

Exploring the Determinants of the Relationships between the Land-Based Sectors with the Wider Rural Business Base in Scotland: An Empirical Analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Tiwasing, P., Pate, L., McMillan, J., Atterton, J., & Thomson, S. G. (2023). Exploring the Determinants of the Relationships between the Land-Based Sectors with the Wider Rural Business Base in Scotland: An Empirical Analysis. Land, 12(3), 723.

Over the past two decades, the relative socio-economic importance of land-based sectors has declined in comparison to non-land-based businesses such as tourism, food and beverage activities. However, policy implementation and research have primarily... Read More about Exploring the Determinants of the Relationships between the Land-Based Sectors with the Wider Rural Business Base in Scotland: An Empirical Analysis.

How can rural businesses thrive in the digital economy? A UK perspective (2022)
Journal Article
Tiwasing, P., Clark, B., & Gkartzios, M. (2022). How can rural businesses thrive in the digital economy? A UK perspective. Heliyon, 8(10), Article e10745.

Unlocking the digital potential of the UK's rural areas is important for the future of rural businesses, rural communities and the UK economy as a whole. The use of digital technologies is yielding new opportunities for businesses, including those lo... Read More about How can rural businesses thrive in the digital economy? A UK perspective.

Designing Outside of the Classroom: Branding Design for Thai Traditional Pottery (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tiwasing, W., Ames, B., & Tiwasing, P. (2022, January). Designing Outside of the Classroom: Branding Design for Thai Traditional Pottery. Presented at The IAFOR International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii (online)

This research aims to develop branding for pottery products in Maha Sarakham, Thailand and to generate the collaboration between the local community and university. Ban Mo village, which is the community dedicated to pottery making, is used as the ca... Read More about Designing Outside of the Classroom: Branding Design for Thai Traditional Pottery.

Brexit and skill shortages: an empirical analysis of UK SMEs (2021)
Journal Article
Tiwasing, P. (2021). Brexit and skill shortages: an empirical analysis of UK SMEs. Economics and Business Letters, 10(1), 9-15.

This paper examines the perspectives of SMEs on Brexit and skill shortages using cross-sectional data of 2,969 SMEs from a UK Government's Small Business survey for 2016. The logistic regression with clustered standard errors is applied to analyse th... Read More about Brexit and skill shortages: an empirical analysis of UK SMEs.