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Outputs (256)

Uninvited guest in mixed derivative Hořava gravity (2016)
Journal Article
Coates, A., Colombo, M., Gümrükçüoğlu, A. E., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2016). Uninvited guest in mixed derivative Hořava gravity. Physical Review D, 94(8), Article 84014.

We revisit the mixed-derivative extension of Hořava gravity which was designed to address the naturalness problems of the standard theory in the presence of matter couplings. We consider the minimal theory with mixed-derivative terms that contain two... Read More about Uninvited guest in mixed derivative Hořava gravity.

Experimental, theoretical and computational investigation of the inelastic neutron scattering spectrum of a homonuclear diatomic molecule in a nearly spherical trap: H2@C60 (2016)
Journal Article
Mamone, S., Jiménez-Ruiz, M., Johnson, M. R., Rols, S., & Horsewill, A. J. (2016). Experimental, theoretical and computational investigation of the inelastic neutron scattering spectrum of a homonuclear diatomic molecule in a nearly spherical trap: H2@C60. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(42), 29369-29380.

In this paper we report a methodology for calculating the inelastic neutron scattering spectrum of homonuclear diatomic molecules confined within nano-cavities of spherical symmetry. The method is based on the expansion of the confining potential int... Read More about Experimental, theoretical and computational investigation of the inelastic neutron scattering spectrum of a homonuclear diatomic molecule in a nearly spherical trap: H2@C60.

Field strength dependence of grey matter R2* on venous oxygenation (2016)
Journal Article
Croal, P. L., Driver, I. D., Francis, S. T., & Gowland, P. A. (2017). Field strength dependence of grey matter R2* on venous oxygenation. NeuroImage, 146, 327-332.

The relationship between venous blood oxygenation and change in transverse relaxation rate (ΔR2 *) plays a key role in calibrated BOLD fMRI. This relationship, defined by the parameter β, has previously been determined using theoretical simulations a... Read More about Field strength dependence of grey matter R2* on venous oxygenation.

Measuring the reactivity of a silicon-terminated probe (2016)
Journal Article
Sweetman, A., Stirling, J., Jarvis, S. P., Rahe, P., & Moriarty, P. (2016). Measuring the reactivity of a silicon-terminated probe. Physical Review B, 94(11), Article 115440.

It is generally accepted that the exposed surfaces of silicon crystals are highly reactive due to the dangling bonds which protrude into the vacuum. However, surface reconstruction can not only modify the reactivity of bulk silicon crystals, but play... Read More about Measuring the reactivity of a silicon-terminated probe.

Increased liver fat and glycogen stores after consumption of high versus low glycaemic index food: a randomized crossover study (2016)
Journal Article
Bawden, S., Stephenson, M., Falcone, Y., Lingaya, M., Ciampi, E., Hunter, K., Bligh, F., Schirra, J., Taylor, M., Morris, P., MacDonald, I. A., Gowland, P., Marciani, L., & Aithal, G. P. (2017). Increased liver fat and glycogen stores after consumption of high versus low glycaemic index food: a randomized crossover study. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 19(1), 70-77.

Aim: To investigate the acute and longer-term effects of low (LGI) versus high glycaemic index (HGI) diets on hepatic fat and glycogen accumulation and related blood measures in healthy volunteers.

Methods: Eight healthy men (age 20.1 � 0.4 years,... Read More about Increased liver fat and glycogen stores after consumption of high versus low glycaemic index food: a randomized crossover study.

Hexagonal Boron Nitride Tunnel Barriers Grown on Graphite by High Temperature Molecular Beam Epitaxy (2016)
Journal Article
Cho, Y.-J., Summerfield, A., Davies, A., Cheng, T. S., Smith, E. F., Mellor, C. J., Khlobystov, A. N., Foxon, C. T., Eaves, L., Beton, P. H., & Novikov, S. V. (2016). Hexagonal Boron Nitride Tunnel Barriers Grown on Graphite by High Temperature Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Scientific Reports, 6(1), Article 34474.

We demonstrate direct epitaxial growth of high-quality hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) layers on graphite using high-temperature plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Atomic force microscopy reveals mono- and few-layer island growth, while conducting... Read More about Hexagonal Boron Nitride Tunnel Barriers Grown on Graphite by High Temperature Molecular Beam Epitaxy.

Non-equilibrium fluctuations and metastability arising from non-additive interactions in dissipative multi-component Rydberg gases (2016)
Journal Article
Gutierrez, R., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2016). Non-equilibrium fluctuations and metastability arising from non-additive interactions in dissipative multi-component Rydberg gases. New Journal of Physics, 18,

We study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of dissipative gases of atoms excited to two or more high-lying Rydberg states. This situation bears interesting similarities to classical binary (in general p-ary) mixtures of particles. The effective forces... Read More about Non-equilibrium fluctuations and metastability arising from non-additive interactions in dissipative multi-component Rydberg gases.

Applicability of dynamic facilitation theory to binary hard disk systems (2016)
Journal Article
Isobe, M., Keys, A. S., Chandler, D., & Garrahan, J. P. (2016). Applicability of dynamic facilitation theory to binary hard disk systems. Physical Review Letters, 117(14), Article 145701.

We numerically investigate the applicability of dynamic facilitation (DF) theory for glass-forming binary hard disk systems where supercompression is controlled by pressure. By using novel efficient algorithms for hard disks, we are able to generate... Read More about Applicability of dynamic facilitation theory to binary hard disk systems.

Microlensing and dynamical constraints on primordial black hole dark matter with an extended mass function (2016)
Journal Article
Green, A. M. (in press). Microlensing and dynamical constraints on primordial black hole dark matter with an extended mass function. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 94, Article 063530.

The recent discovery of gravitational waves from mergers of ∼10 M⊙ black hole binaries has stimulated interested in primordial black hole (PBH) dark matter in this mass range. Microlensing and dynamical constraints exclude all of the dark matter in c... Read More about Microlensing and dynamical constraints on primordial black hole dark matter with an extended mass function.

nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – V. Investigation of the cluster infall region (2016)
Journal Article
Arthur, J., Pearce, F. R., Gray, M. E., Elahi, P. J., Knebe, A., Beck, A. M., Cui, W., Cunnama, D., Davé, R., February, S., Huang, S., Katz, N., Kay, S. T., McCarthy, I. G., Murante, G., Perret, V., Power, C., Puchwein, E., Saro, A., Sembolini, F., …Yepes, G. (2017). nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – V. Investigation of the cluster infall region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(2), 2027-2038.

We examine the properties of the galaxies and dark matter haloes residing in the cluster infall region surrounding the simulated _ cold dark matter galaxy cluster studied by Elahi et al. at z = 0. The 1.1 × 1015 h−1M_ galaxy cluster has been simulate... Read More about nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – V. Investigation of the cluster infall region.