Galaxy Zoo: Morphological classifications for 120 000 galaxies in HST legacy imaging
Journal Article
Willett, K. W., Galloway, M. A., Bamford, S. P., Lintott, C. J., Masters, K. L., Scarlata, C., Simmons, B. D., Beck, M., Cardamone, C. N., Cheung, E., Edmondson, E. M., Fortson, L. F., Griffith, R. L., Häußler, B., Han, A., Hart, R., Melvin, T., Parrish, M., Schawinski, K., Smethurst, R. J., & Smith, A. M. (2017). Galaxy Zoo: Morphological classifications for 120 000 galaxies in HST legacy imaging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(4), 4176-4203.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. We present the data release paper for the Galaxy Zoo: Hubble (GZH) project. This is the third phase in a large effort to measure reliable, detailed... Read More about Galaxy Zoo: Morphological classifications for 120 000 galaxies in HST legacy imaging.