Towards quantitative molecular mapping of cells by Raman microscopy: using AFM for decoupling molecular concentration and cell topography
Journal Article
Boitor, R., Sinjab, F., Strohbuecker, S., Sottile, V., & Notingher, I. (2016). Towards quantitative molecular mapping of cells by Raman microscopy: using AFM for decoupling molecular concentration and cell topography. Faraday Discussions, 187,
Raman micro-spectroscopy (RMS) is a non-invasive technique for imaging live cells in-vitro. However, obtaining quantitative molecular information from the Raman spectra is difficult because the intensity of a Raman band is proportional to the number... Read More about Towards quantitative molecular mapping of cells by Raman microscopy: using AFM for decoupling molecular concentration and cell topography.