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How neutral is the intergalactic medium surrounding the redshift z=7.085 quasar ULAS J1120+0641? (2011)
Journal Article
S. Bolton, J., G. Haehnelt, M., J. Warren, S., C. Hewett, P., J. Mortlock, D., P. Venemans, B., G. McMahon, R., & Simpson, C. (2011). How neutral is the intergalactic medium surrounding the redshift z=7.085 quasar ULAS J1120+0641?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 416(1), L70–L74.

The quasar ULAS J1120+0641 at redshift z=7.085 has a highly ionised near zone which is smaller than those around quasars of similar luminosity at z~6. The spectrum also exhibits evidence for a damping wing extending redward of the systemic Lya redshi... Read More about How neutral is the intergalactic medium surrounding the redshift z=7.085 quasar ULAS J1120+0641?.

The impact of spatial fluctuations in the ultra-violet background on intergalactic carbon and silicon (2011)
Journal Article
S. Bolton, J., & Viel, M. (2011). The impact of spatial fluctuations in the ultra-violet background on intergalactic carbon and silicon. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414(1), 241–252.

Spatial inhomogeneities in the spectral shape of the ultra-violet background (UVB) at the tail-end of HeII reionisation are thought to be the primary cause of the large fluctuations observed in the HeII to HI Ly-a forest optical depth ratio, tau_HeII... Read More about The impact of spatial fluctuations in the ultra-violet background on intergalactic carbon and silicon.