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Towards quantitative molecular mapping of cells by Raman microscopy: using AFM for decoupling molecular concentration and cell topography (2015)
Journal Article
Boitor, R., Sinjab, F., Strohbuecker, S., Sottile, V., & Notingher, I. (2016). Towards quantitative molecular mapping of cells by Raman microscopy: using AFM for decoupling molecular concentration and cell topography. Faraday Discussions, 187,

Raman micro-spectroscopy (RMS) is a non-invasive technique for imaging live cells in-vitro. However, obtaining quantitative molecular information from the Raman spectra is difficult because the intensity of a Raman band is proportional to the number... Read More about Towards quantitative molecular mapping of cells by Raman microscopy: using AFM for decoupling molecular concentration and cell topography.

Applications of Raman micro-spectroscopy to stem cell technology: label-free molecular discrimination and monitoring cell differentiation. (2015)
Journal Article
Ghita, A., Pascut, F. C., Sottile, V., Denning, C., & Notingher, I. (2015). Applications of Raman micro-spectroscopy to stem cell technology: label-free molecular discrimination and monitoring cell differentiation. EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation, 2, Article 6.

Stem cell therapy is widely acknowledged as a key medical technology of the 21st century which may provide treatments for many currently incurable diseases. These cells have an enormous potential for cell replacement therapies to cure diseases such a... Read More about Applications of Raman micro-spectroscopy to stem cell technology: label-free molecular discrimination and monitoring cell differentiation..