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A 250 ka oxygen isotope record from diatoms at Lake El'gygytgyn, far east Russian Arctic (2012)
Journal Article
Chapligin, B., Meyer, H., Swann, G., Meyer-Jacob, C., & -W. Hubberten, H. (2012). A 250 ka oxygen isotope record from diatoms at Lake El'gygytgyn, far east Russian Arctic. Climate of the Past, 8(5), 1621–1636.

In 2003 sediment core Lz1024 was drilled at Lake El'gygytgyn, far east Russian Arctic, in an area of the Northern Hemisphere which has not been glaciated for the last 3.6 Ma. Biogenic silica was used for analysing the oxygen isotope composition (δ18O... Read More about A 250 ka oxygen isotope record from diatoms at Lake El'gygytgyn, far east Russian Arctic.