An inventory of galaxies in cosmic filaments feeding galaxy clusters: galaxy groups, backsplash galaxies, and pristine galaxies
Journal Article
Kuchner, U., Haggar, R., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Pearce, F. R., Gray, M. E., Rost, A., Cui, W., Knebe, A., & Yepes, G. (2022). An inventory of galaxies in cosmic filaments feeding galaxy clusters: galaxy groups, backsplash galaxies, and pristine galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(1), 581-592.
Galaxy clusters grow by accreting galaxies from the field and along filaments of the cosmic web. As galaxies are accreted they are affected by their local environment before they enter (pre-processing), and traverse the cluster potential. Observation... Read More about An inventory of galaxies in cosmic filaments feeding galaxy clusters: galaxy groups, backsplash galaxies, and pristine galaxies.