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Outputs (25)

Enhanced Photon–Phonon Interaction in WSe2 Acoustic Nanocavities (2024)
Journal Article
Carr, A. D., Ruppert, C., Samusev, A. K., Magnabosco, G., Vogel, N., Linnik, T. L., …Akimov, A. V. (2024). Enhanced Photon–Phonon Interaction in WSe2 Acoustic Nanocavities. ACS Photonics, 11(3), 1147–1155.

Acoustic nanocavities (ANCs) with resonance frequencies much above 1 GHz are prospective to be exploited in sensors and quantum operating devices. Nowadays, acoustic nanocavities fabricated from van der Waals (vdW) nanolayers allow them to exhibit re... Read More about Enhanced Photon–Phonon Interaction in WSe2 Acoustic Nanocavities.

Hybrid coherent control of magnons in a ferromagnetic phononic resonator excited by laser pulses (2024)
Journal Article
Scherbakov, A. V., Carr, A. D., Linnik, T. L., Kukhtaruk, S. M., Armour, A. D., Nadzeyka, A., …Bayer, M. (2024). Hybrid coherent control of magnons in a ferromagnetic phononic resonator excited by laser pulses. Physical Review Research, 6(1), Article L012019.

We propose and demonstrate the concept of hybrid coherent control (CC) whereby a quantum or classical harmonic oscillator is excited by two excitations: one is quasiharmonic (i.e., harmonic with a finite lifetime) and the other is a pulsed broadband... Read More about Hybrid coherent control of magnons in a ferromagnetic phononic resonator excited by laser pulses.

Ultrafast magnetoacoustics in Galfenol nanostructures (2023)
Journal Article
Scherbakov, A. V., Linnik, T. L., Kukhtaruk, S. M., Yakovlev, D. R., Nadzeyka, A., Rushforth, A. W., …Bayer, M. (2023). Ultrafast magnetoacoustics in Galfenol nanostructures. Photoacoustics, 34, Article 100565.

Phonons and magnons are prospective information carriers to substitute the transfer of charge in nanoscale communication devices. Our ability to manipulate them at the nanoscale and with ultimate speed is examined by ultrafast acoustics and femtoseco... Read More about Ultrafast magnetoacoustics in Galfenol nanostructures.

Acoustic band engineering in terahertz quantum-cascade lasers and arbitrary superlattices (2023)
Journal Article
Demić, A., Valavanis, A., Dean, P., Li, L., Davies, A. G., Linfield, E. H., …Harrison, P. (2023). Acoustic band engineering in terahertz quantum-cascade lasers and arbitrary superlattices. Physical Review B, 107(23), Article 235411.

We present theoretical methods for the analysis of acoustic phonon modes in superlattice structures, and terahertz-frequency quantum-cascade lasers (THz QCLs). Our generalized numerical solution of the acoustic-wave equation provides good agreement w... Read More about Acoustic band engineering in terahertz quantum-cascade lasers and arbitrary superlattices.

Coherent Phononics of van der Waals Layers on Nanogratings (2022)
Journal Article
Yan, W., Akimov, A. V., Barra-Burillo, M., Bayer, M., Bradford, J., Gusev, V. E., …Linnik, T. L. (2022). Coherent Phononics of van der Waals Layers on Nanogratings. Nano Letters, 22(16), 6509-6515.

Strain engineering can be used to control the physical properties of two-dimensional van der Waals (2D-vdW) crystals. Coherent phonons, which carry dynamical strain, could push strain engineering to control classical and quantum phenomena in the unex... Read More about Coherent Phononics of van der Waals Layers on Nanogratings.

Giant Photoelasticity of Polaritons for Detection of Coherent Phonons in a Superlattice with Quantum Sensitivity (2022)
Journal Article
Kobecki, M., Scherbakov, A. V., Kukhtaruk, S. M., Yaremkevich, D. D., Henksmeier, T., Trapp, A., …Bayer, M. (2022). Giant Photoelasticity of Polaritons for Detection of Coherent Phonons in a Superlattice with Quantum Sensitivity. Physical Review Letters, 128(15), Article 157401.

The functionality of phonon-based quantum devices largely depends on the efficiency of the interaction of phonons with other excitations. For phonon frequencies above 20 GHz, generation and detection of the phonon quanta can be monitored through phot... Read More about Giant Photoelasticity of Polaritons for Detection of Coherent Phonons in a Superlattice with Quantum Sensitivity.

Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3 (2021)
Journal Article
Yan, W., Akimov, A. V., Page, J. A., Greenaway, M. T., Balanov, A. G., Patanè, A., & Kent, A. J. (2021). Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(50), Article 2106206.

The interplay between the strong intralayer covalent-ionic bonds and the weak interlayer van der Waals (vdW) forces between the neighboring layers of vdW crystals gives rise to unique physical and chemical properties. Here, the intralayer and interla... Read More about Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3.

Magnon polaron formed by selectively coupled coherent magnon and phonon modes of a surface patterned ferromagnet (2020)
Journal Article
Godejohann, F., Scherbakov, A., Kukhtaruk, S., Poddubny, A., Yaremkevich, D., Wang, M., …Bayer, M. (2020). Magnon polaron formed by selectively coupled coherent magnon and phonon modes of a surface patterned ferromagnet. Physical Review B, 102(14), Article 144438.

Strong coupling between two quanta of different excitations leads to the formation of a hybridized state which paves a way for exploiting new degrees of freedom to control phenomena with high efficiency and precision. A magnon polaron is the hybridiz... Read More about Magnon polaron formed by selectively coupled coherent magnon and phonon modes of a surface patterned ferromagnet.

Temporal superoscillations of subterahertz coherent acoustic phonons (2020)
Journal Article
Brehm, S., Akimov, A. V., Campion, R. P., & Kent, A. J. (2020). Temporal superoscillations of subterahertz coherent acoustic phonons. Physical Review Research, 2(2), Article 023009.

We observe coherent acoustic phonon superoscillations at subterahertz frequencies. The superoscillations result from the interference of optically excited coherent longitudinal acoustic phonon modes in a GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice. The superoscillation... Read More about Temporal superoscillations of subterahertz coherent acoustic phonons.

Coherent acoustic phonons in van der Waals nanolayers and heterostructures (2018)
Journal Article
Greener, J. D., Akimov, A. V., Gusev, V., Kudrynskyi, Z., Beton, P. H., Kovalyuk, Z. D., …Patanè, A. (2018). Coherent acoustic phonons in van der Waals nanolayers and heterostructures. Physical Review B, 98(7), Article 075408.

Terahertz (THz) and sub-THz coherent acoustic phonons have been successfully used as probes of various quantum systems. Since their wavelength is in the nanometer range, they can probe nanostructures buried below a surface with nanometer resolution a... Read More about Coherent acoustic phonons in van der Waals nanolayers and heterostructures.