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Comparison of micromagnetic parameters of the ferromagnetic semiconductors (Ga,Mn)(As,P) and (Ga,Mn)As (2014)
Journal Article
Tesařová, N., Butkovičová, D., Campion, R. P., Rushforth, A. W., Edmonds, K. W., Wadley, P., Gallagher, B. L., Schmoranzerová, E., Trojánek, F., Malý, P., Motloch, P., Novák, V., Jungwirth, T., & Němec, P. (2014). Comparison of micromagnetic parameters of the ferromagnetic semiconductors (Ga,Mn)(As,P) and (Ga,Mn)As. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 90(15), Article 155203.

We report on the determination of micromagnetic parameters of epilayers of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As, which has an easy axis in the sample plane, and (Ga,Mn)(As,P), which has an easy axis perpendicular to the sample plane.We use an op... Read More about Comparison of micromagnetic parameters of the ferromagnetic semiconductors (Ga,Mn)(As,P) and (Ga,Mn)As.

Determining Curie temperatures in dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors: high Curie temperature (Ga,Mn)As (2014)
Journal Article
Wang, M., Marshall, R., Edmonds, K., Rushforth, A., Campion, R., & Gallagher, B. (2014). Determining Curie temperatures in dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors: high Curie temperature (Ga,Mn)As. Applied Physics Letters, 104, Article 132406.

In this paper, we use simultaneous magnetometry and electrical transport measurements to critically examine ways in which the Curie temperature (TC) values have been determined in studies of dilute magnetic semiconductors. We show that, in sufficient... Read More about Determining Curie temperatures in dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors: high Curie temperature (Ga,Mn)As.

Spin-orbit torque opposing the Oersted torque in ultrathin Co/Pt bilayers (2014)
Journal Article
Skinner, T., Wang, M., Hindmarch, A., Rushforth, A., Irvine, A., Heiss, D., Kurebayashi, H., & Ferguson, A. (in press). Spin-orbit torque opposing the Oersted torque in ultrathin Co/Pt bilayers. Applied Physics Letters, 104(6), Article 062401.

Current-induced torques in ultrathin Co/Pt bilayers were investigated using an electrically driven ferromagnetic resonance technique. The angle dependence of the resonances, detected by a rectification effect as a voltage, was analysed to determine t... Read More about Spin-orbit torque opposing the Oersted torque in ultrathin Co/Pt bilayers.