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Outputs (22)

Cosmological effects of scalar-photon couplings: dark energy and varying-α models (2014)
Journal Article
Avgoustidis, A., Martins, C., Monteiro, A., Vielzeuf, P., & Luzzi, G. (2014). Cosmological effects of scalar-photon couplings: dark energy and varying-α models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(6),

We study cosmological models involving scalar fields coupled to radiation and discuss their effect on the redshift evolution of the cosmic microwave background temperature, focusing on links with varying fundamental constants and dynamical dark energ... Read More about Cosmological effects of scalar-photon couplings: dark energy and varying-α models.

Evolution of semilocal string networks: large-scale properties (2014)
Journal Article
Achúcarro, A., Avgoustidis, A., Leite, A., Lopez-Eiguren, A., Martins, C., Nunes, A., & Urrestilla, J. (2014). Evolution of semilocal string networks: large-scale properties. Physical Review D, 89(6), Article 063503.

We report on a detailed numerical study of the evolution of semilocal string networks, based on the largest and most accurate field theory simulations of these objects to date. We focus on the large-scale network properties, confirming earlier indica... Read More about Evolution of semilocal string networks: large-scale properties.