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Outputs (116)

Microwave Studies of Three Chiral Ensembles in Chains of Coupled Dielectric Resonators (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richter, M., Rehemanjiang, A., Kuhl, U., & Stöckmann, H. J. (2021, May). Microwave Studies of Three Chiral Ensembles in Chains of Coupled Dielectric Resonators. Presented at 10th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localisation Phenomena, Warsaw, Poland / Online Conference

Random matrix theory has proven very successful in the understanding of the spectra of chaotic systems. Depending on symmetry with respect to time reversal and the presence or absence of a spin 1/2 there are three ensembles, the Gaussian orthogonal,... Read More about Microwave Studies of Three Chiral Ensembles in Chains of Coupled Dielectric Resonators.

Generalized flatness constants, spanning lattice polytopes, and the Gromov width (2021)
Journal Article
Averkov, G., Hofscheier, J., & Nill, B. (2023). Generalized flatness constants, spanning lattice polytopes, and the Gromov width. manuscripta mathematica, 170(1-2), 147-165.

In this paper we motivate some new directions of research regarding the lattice width of convex bodies. We show that convex bodies of sufficiently large width contain a unimodular copy of a standard simplex. Following an argument of Eisenbrand and Sh... Read More about Generalized flatness constants, spanning lattice polytopes, and the Gromov width.

A generalization of a theorem of White (2021)
Journal Article
Batyrev, V., & Hofscheier, J. (2022). A generalization of a theorem of White. Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 10(4), 281-296.

An m-dimensional simplex ∆ in Rm is called empty lattice simplex if ∆ ∩ Zm is exactly the set of vertices of ∆. A theorem of White states that if m = 3 then, up to an affine unimodular transformation of the lattice Zm, any empty lattice simplex ∆ ⊂ R... Read More about A generalization of a theorem of White.

Finite deformations of fibre-reinforced elastic solids with fibre bending stiffness – Part II: determination of the spherical part of the couple-stress (2021)
Journal Article
Soldatos, K. P. (2023). Finite deformations of fibre-reinforced elastic solids with fibre bending stiffness – Part II: determination of the spherical part of the couple-stress. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 28(1), 124-140.

The indeterminacy of the spherical part of couple-stress is a well-known drawback of any theoretical formulation stemming from the Cosserat couple-stress theory of elasticity. The relevant theory of finite elastic deformations of solids reinforced by... Read More about Finite deformations of fibre-reinforced elastic solids with fibre bending stiffness – Part II: determination of the spherical part of the couple-stress.

RADIOHEAD: Radiogenomic analysis incorporating tumor heterogeneity in imaging through densities (2021)
Journal Article
Mohammed, S., Bharath, K., Kurtek, S., Rao, A., & Baladandayuthapani, V. (2021). RADIOHEAD: Radiogenomic analysis incorporating tumor heterogeneity in imaging through densities. Annals of Applied Statistics, 15(4), 1808-1830.

Recent technological advancements have enabled detailed investigation of associations between the molecular architecture and tumor heterogeneity through multisource integration of radiological imaging and genomic (radiogenomic) data. In this paper we... Read More about RADIOHEAD: Radiogenomic analysis incorporating tumor heterogeneity in imaging through densities.

Neutron star scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings (2021)
Journal Article
Ventagli, G., Antoniou, G., Lehébel, A., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2021). Neutron star scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings. Physical Review D, 104(12), Article 124078.

Spontaneous scalarization of neutron stars has been extensively studied in the Damour and Esposito-Farèse model, in which a scalar field couples to the Ricci scalar or, equivalently, to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. However, scalarization... Read More about Neutron star scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings.

Estimating divergence‐free flows via neural networks (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kabanov, D. I., Espath, L., Kiessling, J., & Tempone, R. F. (2022, August). Estimating divergence‐free flows via neural networks. Presented at 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Virtual conference

We apply neural networks to the problem of estimating divergence-free velocity flows from given sparse observations. Following the modern trend of combining data and models in physics-informed neural networks, we reconstruct the velocity flow by trai... Read More about Estimating divergence‐free flows via neural networks.

Smooth 1-Dimensional Algebraic Quantum Field Theories (2021)
Journal Article
Benini, M., Perin, M., & Schenkel, A. (2022). Smooth 1-Dimensional Algebraic Quantum Field Theories. Annales Henri Poincaré, 23, 2069-2111.

This paper proposes a refinement of the usual concept of algebraic quantum field theories (AQFTs) to theories that are smooth in the sense that they assign to every smooth family of spacetimes a smooth family of observable algebras. Using stacks of c... Read More about Smooth 1-Dimensional Algebraic Quantum Field Theories.

Differential privacy over Riemannian manifolds (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reimherr, M., Bharath, K., & Soto, C. (2021, December). Differential privacy over Riemannian manifolds. Presented at Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), Online

In this work we consider the problem of releasing a differentially private statistical summary that resides on a Riemannian manifold. We present an extension of the Laplace or K-norm mechanism that utilizes intrinsic distances and volumes on the mani... Read More about Differential privacy over Riemannian manifolds.

Exorcising Malthusian ghosts: Vaccinating the Nexus to advance integrated water, energy and food resource resilience (2021)
Journal Article
Kemp, P. S., Acuto, M., Larcom, S., Lumbroso, D., & Owen, M. R. (2022). Exorcising Malthusian ghosts: Vaccinating the Nexus to advance integrated water, energy and food resource resilience. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 4, Article 100108.

Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus interactions vary from seemingly negative and intractable wicked problems to opportunities for enhanced sustainability. The aim of this paper is to review the current state of understanding on WEF resource interactions a... Read More about Exorcising Malthusian ghosts: Vaccinating the Nexus to advance integrated water, energy and food resource resilience.