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Waiting time distributions for clusters of complex molecules (2007)
Journal Article
Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2007). Waiting time distributions for clusters of complex molecules. EPL, 79(3),

Waiting time distributions are in the core of theories for a large variety of subjects ranging from the analysis of patch clamp records to stochastic excitable systems. Here, we present a novel exact method for the calculation of waiting time distrib... Read More about Waiting time distributions for clusters of complex molecules.

Building oscillations bottom up: Elemental time scales of intracellular calcium dynamics (2007)
Book Chapter
Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2007). Building oscillations bottom up: Elemental time scales of intracellular calcium dynamics. In L. Schimansky-Geier, B. Fiedler, J. Kurths, & E. Schöll (Eds.), Analysis and control of complex nonlinear processes in physics, chemistry and biology (293-324). World Scientific.

We analyze the elemental time scale of intracellular calcium dynamics. It is determined by the time course of Ca2+ puffs, which represent the fundamental quantum of Ca2+ release from intracellular storage compartments. Since Ca2+ puffs are truly rand... Read More about Building oscillations bottom up: Elemental time scales of intracellular calcium dynamics.