Airway and Parenchymal Strains during Bronchoconstriction in the Precision Cut Lung Slice
Journal Article
Hiorns, J. E., Bidan, C. M., Jensen, O. E., Gosens, R., Kistemaker, L. E., Fredberg, J. J., Butler, J. P., Krishnan, R., & Brook, B. S. (2016). Airway and Parenchymal Strains during Bronchoconstriction in the Precision Cut Lung Slice. Frontiers in Physiology, 7(JUL), Article 309.
The precision-cut lung slice (PCLS) is a powerful tool for studying airway reactivity, but biomechanical measurements to date have largely focused on changes in airway caliber. Here we describe an image processing tool that reveals the associated spa... Read More about Airway and Parenchymal Strains during Bronchoconstriction in the Precision Cut Lung Slice.