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Outputs (16)

Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of Ras association and pleckstrin homology domains 1 (RAPH1) in breast cancer (2018)
Journal Article
Kurozumi, S., Joseph, C., Sonbul, S., Aleskandarany, M. A., Pigera, M., Alsaleem, M., Alsaeed, S., Kariri, Y., Nolan, C. C., Diez-Rodriguez, M., Johnston, S., Mongan, N. P., Fujii, T., Shirabe, K., Martin, S. G., Ellis, I. O., Green, A. R., & Rakha, E. A. (2018). Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of Ras association and pleckstrin homology domains 1 (RAPH1) in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 172(1), 61–68.

BACKGROUND: Ras association and pleckstrin homology domains 1 (RAPH1) is involved in cytoskeleton regulation and re-epithelialisation in invasive carcinoma and therefore may play a key role in carcinogenesis and metastasis. We herein investigated the... Read More about Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of Ras association and pleckstrin homology domains 1 (RAPH1) in breast cancer.

A randomised controlled trial of the compuLsive Exercise Activity TheraPy (LEAP): a new approach to compulsive exercise in anorexia nervosa (2018)
Journal Article
Hay, P., Touyz, S., Arcelus, J., Pike, K., Attia, E., Crosby, R. D., Madden, S., Wales, J., La Puma, M., Heriseanu, A. I., Young, S., & Meyer, C. (2018). A randomised controlled trial of the compuLsive Exercise Activity TheraPy (LEAP): a new approach to compulsive exercise in anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51(8), 999-1004.

Objective: To compare the efficacy of the compuLsive Exercise Activity theraPy (LEAP) programme integrated with manualised cognitive behavioural therapy for anorexia nervosa (CBT-AN) compared to CBT-AN alone.
Method: Seventy-eight adults were rando... Read More about A randomised controlled trial of the compuLsive Exercise Activity TheraPy (LEAP): a new approach to compulsive exercise in anorexia nervosa.

Refinement and validation of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire: an application of Rasch analysis and traditional psychometric analysis techniques (2018)
Journal Article
Eithne, H., David, M., Johanna, B., & Melanie, F. (2019). Refinement and validation of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire: an application of Rasch analysis and traditional psychometric analysis techniques. Ear and Hearing, 40(2), 328-339.

Objectives: The primary aim of this research was to refine and validate the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire (SPaRQ). The SPaRQ is a hearing-specific, patient-reported outcome measure that was originally developed through consultation... Read More about Refinement and validation of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire: an application of Rasch analysis and traditional psychometric analysis techniques.

Recurrent hotspot mutations in HRAS Q61 and PI3K-AKT pathway genes as drivers of breast adenomyoepitheliomas (2018)
Journal Article
Geyer, F. C., Li, A., Papanastasiou, A. D., Smith, A., Selenica, P., Burke, K. A., Edelweiss, M., Wen, H.-C., Piscuoglio, S., Schultheis, A. M., Martelotto, L. G., Pareja, F., Brandes, A., Lozada, J., Macedo, G. S., de Filippo, M. R., Jungbluth, A. A., Foschini, M. P., Wen, H. Y., Brogi, E., …Reis-Filho, J. S. (2018). Recurrent hotspot mutations in HRAS Q61 and PI3K-AKT pathway genes as drivers of breast adenomyoepitheliomas. Nature Communications, 9, Article 1816.

Adenomyoepithelioma of the breast is a rare tumor characterized by epithelial-myoepithelial differentiation, of which a subset will progress to invasive or metastatic cancer. We sought to define the genomic landscape of adenomyoepitheliomas. Massivel... Read More about Recurrent hotspot mutations in HRAS Q61 and PI3K-AKT pathway genes as drivers of breast adenomyoepitheliomas.

Development of a multimedia educational programme for first-time hearing aid users: a participatory design (2018)
Journal Article
Ferguson, M. A., Leighton, P., Brandreth, M., & Wharrad, H. (in press). Development of a multimedia educational programme for first-time hearing aid users: a participatory design. International Journal of Audiology,

Objective: To develop content for a series of interactive video tutorials (or reusable learning objects, RLOs) for first-time adult hearing aid users, to enhance knowledge of hearing aids and communication.
Design: RLO content was based on an elect... Read More about Development of a multimedia educational programme for first-time hearing aid users: a participatory design.

The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Bond, C., Stacey, G., Field-Richards, S., Callaghan, P., Keeley, P., Lymn, J., Redsell, S., & Spiby, H. (2018). The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(15-16), 3081-3090.

Aims and objectives: To examine how the concept of compassion is socially constructed within UK discourse, in response to recommendations that aspiring nurses gain care experience prior to entering nurse education.
Background: Following a report of... Read More about The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis.

Femoral Nerve Block Intervention in Neck of Femur Fracture (FINOF): a randomized controlled trial (2018)
Journal Article
Rowlands, M., Walt, G. V. D., Bradley, J., Mannings, A., Armstrong, S., Bedforth, N. M., Moppett, I. K., & Sahota, O. (2018). Femoral Nerve Block Intervention in Neck of Femur Fracture (FINOF): a randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open, 8(4), Article e019650.


Fractured neck of femur is a severely painful condition with significant mortality and morbidity. We investigated whether early and continuous use of femoral nerve block can improve pain on movement and mobility after surgery in older p... Read More about Femoral Nerve Block Intervention in Neck of Femur Fracture (FINOF): a randomized controlled trial.

Oral ketamine vs placebo in patients with cancer-related neuropathic pain (2018)
Journal Article
Fallon, M. T., Wilcock, A., Kelly, C. A., Paul, J., Lewsley, L.-A., Norrie, J., & Laird, B. J. A. (2018). Oral ketamine vs placebo in patients with cancer-related neuropathic pain. JAMA Oncology, 4(6), 870-872.

Ketamine hydrochloride is used as an adjuvant treatment for cancer-related neuropathic pain, but evidence of its effectiveness is limited.1 Findings of a large trial investigating the use of ketamine for general cancer pain were negative, but the pop... Read More about Oral ketamine vs placebo in patients with cancer-related neuropathic pain.

Characterisation of insulin analogues therapeutically available to patients (2018)
Journal Article
Adams, G. G., Meal, A., Morgan, P. S., Alzahrani, Q. E., Zobel, H., Lithgo, R., Kok, M. S., Besong, D. T., Jiwani, S. I., Ballance, S., Harding, S. E., Gillis, R. B., & Chayen, N. (2018). Characterisation of insulin analogues therapeutically available to patients. PLoS ONE, 13(3), Article e0195010.

The structure and function of clinical dosage insulin and its analogues were assessed. This included ‘native insulins’ (human recombinant, bovine, porcine), ‘fast-acting analogues’ (aspart, glulisine, lispro) and ‘slow-acting analogues’ (glargine, de... Read More about Characterisation of insulin analogues therapeutically available to patients.

Hip precautions after hip operation (HippityHop): protocol for a before and after study evaluating hip precautions following total hip replacement (2018)
Journal Article
Lightfoot, C., Sehat, K., Drury, G., Brewin, C., Coole, C., & Drummond, A. E. (in press). Hip precautions after hip operation (HippityHop): protocol for a before and after study evaluating hip precautions following total hip replacement. British Journal of Occupational Therapy,

Hip precautions are routinely used despite inconclusive evidence that they reduce dislocations, and concern that they impede activities of daily living. HippityHop compares a change in practice locally from implementing routine hip prec... Read More about Hip precautions after hip operation (HippityHop): protocol for a before and after study evaluating hip precautions following total hip replacement.