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Outputs (3)

The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Bond, C., Stacey, G., Field-Richards, S., Callaghan, P., Keeley, P., Lymn, J., Redsell, S., & Spiby, H. (2018). The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(15-16), 3081-3090.

Aims and objectives: To examine how the concept of compassion is socially constructed within UK discourse, in response to recommendations that aspiring nurses gain care experience prior to entering nurse education.
Background: Following a report of... Read More about The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis.

Results of the FIRST STEPS study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of the Group Family Nurse Partnership (gFNP) programme compared to routine care in improving outcomes for high-risk mothers and their children and preventing abuse (2017)
Journal Article
Barnes, J., Stuart, J., Allen, E., Petrou, S., Sturgess, J., Barlow, J., Macdonald, G., Spiby, H., Aistrop, D., Melhuish, E., Kim, S. W., Pink, J., Datta, J., & Elbourne, D. (2017). Results of the FIRST STEPS study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of the Group Family Nurse Partnership (gFNP) programme compared to routine care in improving outcomes for high-risk mothers and their children and preventing abuse. Public Health Research, 5(9),

Background: Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a home-based nurse home-visiting programme to support vulnerable parents. Group FNP (gFNP) has similar aims and materials and was demonstrated to be feasible in implementation evaluations.
Objectives: To... Read More about Results of the FIRST STEPS study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of the Group Family Nurse Partnership (gFNP) programme compared to routine care in improving outcomes for high-risk mothers and their children and preventing abuse.

Women’s views on anxiety in pregnancy and the use of anxiety instruments: a qualitative study (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, K., Morrell, C. J., & Spiby, H. (in press). Women’s views on anxiety in pregnancy and the use of anxiety instruments: a qualitative study. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology,

Objective: To explore women’s experience of anxiety in pregnancy and views on the use of anxiety instruments in antenatal care.

Background: Anxiety in pregnancy is associated with adverse birth outcomes, developmental and behavioural problems in... Read More about Women’s views on anxiety in pregnancy and the use of anxiety instruments: a qualitative study.