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Outputs (195)

A BEME systematic review of UK undergraduate medical education in the general practice setting: BEME Guide No. 32 (2015)
Journal Article
Hampshire, M., Park, S., Khan, N. F., KNOX, R., Malpass, A., Thomas, J., Anagnostelis, B., Newman, M., Bower, P., Rosenthal, J., Murray, E., Iliffe, S., Heneghan, C., Band, A., & Georgieva, Z. (2015). A BEME systematic review of UK undergraduate medical education in the general practice setting: BEME Guide No. 32. Medical Teacher, 37(7), 611-630.

Background: General practice is increasingly used as a learning environment in undergraduate medical education in the UK.

Aim: The aim of this project was to identify, summarise and synthesise research about undergraduate medical education in gene... Read More about A BEME systematic review of UK undergraduate medical education in the general practice setting: BEME Guide No. 32.

Diagnostic stability ten years after a first episode of psychosis (2015)
Journal Article
Heslin, M., Doody, G., Lomas, B., Lappin, J., Donoghue, K., Reininghaus, U., Onyejiaka, A., Croudace, T., Jones, P., Murray, R., Fearon, P., Dazzan, P., & Morgan, C. (2015). Diagnostic stability ten years after a first episode of psychosis. Psychological Medicine, 45(13), 2757-2769.


A lack of an aetiologically based nosology classification has contributed to instability in psychiatric diagnoses over time. This study aimed to examine the diagnostic stability of psychosis diagnoses using data from an incidence sample... Read More about Diagnostic stability ten years after a first episode of psychosis.

The struggling student: a thematic analysis from the self-regulated learning perspective (2015)
Journal Article
Sandars, J., Patel, R., Tarrant, C., Bonas, S., & Yates, J. (2015). The struggling student: a thematic analysis from the self-regulated learning perspective. Medical Education, 49(4), 417-426.


Students who engage in self‐regulated learning (SRL) are more likely to achieve academic success compared with students who have deficits in SRL and tend to struggle with academic performance. Understanding how poor SRL affects the respons... Read More about The struggling student: a thematic analysis from the self-regulated learning perspective.

The importance of educational theories for facilitating learning when using technology in medical education (2015)
Journal Article
Sandars, J., Patel, R. S., Goh, P. S., Kokatailo, P. K., & Lafferty, N. (2015). The importance of educational theories for facilitating learning when using technology in medical education. Medical Teacher, 37(11), 1039-1042.

Background: There is an increasing use of technology for teaching and learning in medical education but often the use of educational theory to inform the design is not made explicit. The educational theories, both normative and descriptive, used by m... Read More about The importance of educational theories for facilitating learning when using technology in medical education.

Clinical diagnostic decision-making in real life contexts: A trans-theoretical approach for teaching: AMEE Guide No. 95 (2014)
Journal Article
Patel, R., Sandars, J., & Carr, S. (2015). Clinical diagnostic decision-making in real life contexts: A trans-theoretical approach for teaching: AMEE Guide No. 95. Medical Teacher, 37(3), 211-227.

Making an accurate clinical diagnosis is an essential skill for all medical students and doctors, with important implications for patient safety. Current approaches for teaching how to make a clinical diagnosis tend to lack the complexity that faces... Read More about Clinical diagnostic decision-making in real life contexts: A trans-theoretical approach for teaching: AMEE Guide No. 95.

Mortality in Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses: A 10-Year Follow-up of the ?SOP First-Episode Cohort (2014)
Journal Article
Reininghaus, U., Dutta, R., Dazzan, P., Doody, G. A., Fearon, P., Lappin, J., Heslin, M., Onyejiaka, A., Donoghue, K., Lomas, B., Kirkbride, J. B., Murray, R. M., Croudace, T., Morgan, C., & Jones, P. B. (2015). Mortality in Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses: A 10-Year Follow-up of the ӔSOP First-Episode Cohort. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41(3), 664-673.

Developmental student support in undergraduate medical education: AMEE Guide No. 92 (2014)
Journal Article
Sandars, J., Patel, R., Steele, H., & McAreavey, M. (2014). Developmental student support in undergraduate medical education: AMEE Guide No. 92. Medical Teacher, 36(12), 1015-1026.

Developmental student support has a focus on developing the whole person, not only academic and clinical competence. The positive and proactive developmental approach is in marked contrast to the deficit and reactive approach to student support which... Read More about Developmental student support in undergraduate medical education: AMEE Guide No. 92.

Auditory network connectivity in tinnitus patients: a resting-state fMRI study (2014)
Journal Article
Davies, J., Gander, P. E., Andrews, M., & Hall, D. A. (2014). Auditory network connectivity in tinnitus patients: a resting-state fMRI study. International Journal of Audiology, 53(3),

Objective: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) uncovers correlated activity between spatially distinct functionally related brain regions and offers clues about the integrity of functional brain circuits in people with chronic... Read More about Auditory network connectivity in tinnitus patients: a resting-state fMRI study.

How do surgeons and anaesthetists make decisions about surgery for patients who are frail, and what factors influence these decisions? (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kitchen, R., Patel, R., French, G., & Faull, C. (2014, March). How do surgeons and anaesthetists make decisions about surgery for patients who are frail, and what factors influence these decisions?. Presented at 10th Palliative Care Congress, Harrogate, UK


Frailty is a concept that describes decreased physiological reserve. Evidence shows that frailty is a risk factor for post-operative complications including sepsis and delirium, increased length of stay and the inability to be discharg... Read More about How do surgeons and anaesthetists make decisions about surgery for patients who are frail, and what factors influence these decisions?.