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Outputs (7)

Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Yoosoof, F., Ihsan, F. R., Agius, S., Coulson, N., Freeman, K., & Cooper, N. (2024). Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 23(1), 197-205.

The objective of this review will be to explore the paradigmatic perspectives of research on self-regulated learning in non-western learners in health professions education.

Studies show that there are significant cult... Read More about Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol.

The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89 (2024)
Journal Article
Cooper, N., Rahman, L. R., Church, H., & Agius, S. (in press). The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89. Medical Teacher, 1-8.

Self-regulated learning (SRL) in medical education is important for successful learning and safe patient care. However, supervisors may be unaware of behaviours that explicitly facilitate or inhibit their students’ or residents’ SRL, th... Read More about The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89.

The Use of Art Observation Interventions to Improve Medical Students' Diagnostic Skills: A Scoping Review (2023)
Journal Article
Mehta, A., & Agius, S. (2023). The Use of Art Observation Interventions to Improve Medical Students' Diagnostic Skills: A Scoping Review. Perspectives on Medical Education, 12(1), 169-178.

Clinical observation skills are fundamental to the practice of medicine. Yet, the skill of looking carefully is rarely taught within the medical curriculum. This may be a contributory factor in diagnostic errors in healthcare. A growing number of med... Read More about The Use of Art Observation Interventions to Improve Medical Students' Diagnostic Skills: A Scoping Review.

Harnessing the medical humanities to consider LGBT+ elder healthcare within the undergraduate curriculum (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Agius, S., & Church, H. (2021, August). Harnessing the medical humanities to consider LGBT+ elder healthcare within the undergraduate curriculum. Poster presented at AMEE 2021, Virtual

Background: Many older LGBT+ adults [elders] in the UK will have endured extraordinary discrimination and homophobia/transphobia during their life course, often intersectional, which may have had an enduring impact upon their physical and mental well... Read More about Harnessing the medical humanities to consider LGBT+ elder healthcare within the undergraduate curriculum.

The F3 phenomenon: Early‐career training breaks in medical training. A scoping review (2021)
Journal Article
Church, H. R., & Agius, S. (2021). The F3 phenomenon: Early‐career training breaks in medical training. A scoping review. Medical Education, 55(9), 1033-1046.

Since 2017 more than 50% of UK doctors have undertaken a ‘Foundation 3 (F3) Year’ training break after completing their Foundation Programme (the first two years following graduation), rather than immediately enter specialty training. The... Read More about The F3 phenomenon: Early‐career training breaks in medical training. A scoping review.

The experience of widening participation students in undergraduate medical education in the UK: A qualitative systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Krstić, C., Krstić, L., Tulloch, A., Agius, S., Warren, A., & Doody, G. A. (2021). The experience of widening participation students in undergraduate medical education in the UK: A qualitative systematic review. Medical Teacher, 43(9), 1044-1053.

Most Widening Participation (WP) research is focused on medical school recruitment; there is a paucity of research examining whether the experience of medical school itself is an equal experience for both 'traditional' and WP students. This qualitati... Read More about The experience of widening participation students in undergraduate medical education in the UK: A qualitative systematic review.

Experiences of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom: A qualitative systematic review protocol (2020)
Journal Article
O’Beirne, C., Doody, G., Agius, S., Warren, A., & Krstic, L. (2020). Experiences of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom: A qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(12), 2640-2646.

Objective: The objective of this review is to characterize the experiences of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom (UK). Introduction: Most Widening Participation research in the UK is focused on me... Read More about Experiences of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom: A qualitative systematic review protocol.