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Outputs (34)

Well-being interventions for emergency department staff: ‘necessary’ but ‘inadequate’ – a phenomenographic study (2024)
Journal Article
Beckham, A., & Cooper, N. (2024). Well-being interventions for emergency department staff: ‘necessary’ but ‘inadequate’ – a phenomenographic study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 42(1), 9-13.

Introduction: Stress and burnout are prevalent among emergency department (ED) staff in the UK. The concept of well-being interventions for ED staff is a growing area of interest and research worldwide. Various interventions are described in the lite... Read More about Well-being interventions for emergency department staff: ‘necessary’ but ‘inadequate’ – a phenomenographic study.

Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Yoosoof, F., Ihsan, F. R., Agius, S., Coulson, N., Freeman, K., & Cooper, N. (2024). Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 23(1), 197-205.

The objective of this review will be to explore the paradigmatic perspectives of research on self-regulated learning in non-western learners in health professions education.

Studies show that there are significant cult... Read More about Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol.

The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89 (2024)
Journal Article
Cooper, N., Rahman, L. R., Church, H., & Agius, S. (in press). The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89. Medical Teacher, 1-8.

Self-regulated learning (SRL) in medical education is important for successful learning and safe patient care. However, supervisors may be unaware of behaviours that explicitly facilitate or inhibit their students’ or residents’ SRL, th... Read More about The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89.

ABC of Clinical Reasoning (2022)
Cooper, N., & Frain, J. (Eds.). (2022). ABC of Clinical Reasoning. Wiley-Blackwell

Being a good clinician is not only about knowledge ― how doctors and other healthcare professionals think, reason, and make decisions is arguably their most critical skill. The second edition of the ABC of Clinical Reasoning breaks down clinical reas... Read More about ABC of Clinical Reasoning.

Clinical decision making (2022)
Book Chapter
COOPER, N., & ALISON, C. (2022). Clinical decision making. In I. D. Penman, S. H. Ralston, M. W. J. Strachan, & R. Hobson (Eds.), Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. (24th). Elsevier

Consensus statement on the content of clinical reasoning curricula in undergraduate medical education (2020)
Journal Article
Cooper, N., Bartlett, M., Gay, S., Hammond, A., Lillicrap, M., Matthan, J., & Singh, M. (2021). Consensus statement on the content of clinical reasoning curricula in undergraduate medical education. Medical Teacher, 43(2), 152-159.

Effective clinical reasoning is required for safe patient care. Students and postgraduate trainees largely learn the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for effective clinical reasoning implicitly, through experience and apprentic... Read More about Consensus statement on the content of clinical reasoning curricula in undergraduate medical education.

Essential guide to acute care (2020)
Cooper, N., Cramp, P., Forrest, K., & Patel, R. (2020). Essential guide to acute care. (3rd edition). Wiley

The best-selling Essential Guide to Acute Care contains everything you need to know about acute care that you can’t find in a standard textbook. The third edition has been extensively revised and updated, presenting new oxygen guidelines, updated evi... Read More about Essential guide to acute care.

The student is key: a realist review of educational interventions to develop analytical and non-analytical clinical reasoning ability (2020)
Journal Article
Richmond, A., Cooper, N., Gay, S., Atiomo, W., & Patel, R. (2020). The student is key: a realist review of educational interventions to develop analytical and non-analytical clinical reasoning ability. Medical Education, 54(8), 709-719.

Clinical reasoning refers to the cognitive processes used by individuals as they formulate a diagnosis or treatment plan. Clinical reasoning is dependent on formal and experiential knowledge. Developing the ability to acquire and recall k... Read More about The student is key: a realist review of educational interventions to develop analytical and non-analytical clinical reasoning ability.