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Alternative cascade-testing protocols for identifying and managing patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia: systematic reviews, qualitative study and cost-effectiveness analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Qureshi, N., Woods, B., Neves de Faria, R., Saramago Goncalves, P., Cox, E., Leonardi Bee, J., Condon, L., Weng, S., Akyea, R. K., Iyen, B., Roderick, P., Humphries, S. E., Rowlands, W., Watson, M., Haralambos, K., Kenny, R., Datta, D., Miedzybrodzka, Z., Byrne, C., & Kai, J. (2023). Alternative cascade-testing protocols for identifying and managing patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia: systematic reviews, qualitative study and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technology Assessment, 27(16), 1-140.

Cascade testing the relatives of people with familial hypercholesterolaemia is an efficient approach to identifying familial hypercholesterolaemia. The cascade-testing protocol starts with identifying an index patient with familial hyperc... Read More about Alternative cascade-testing protocols for identifying and managing patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia: systematic reviews, qualitative study and cost-effectiveness analysis.

Rates of medical or surgical treatment for women with heavy menstrual bleeding: the ECLIPSE trial 10-year observational follow-up study (2023)
Journal Article
Kai, J., Dutton, B., Vinogradova, Y., Hilken, N., Gupta, J., & Daniels, J. (2023). Rates of medical or surgical treatment for women with heavy menstrual bleeding: the ECLIPSE trial 10-year observational follow-up study. Health Technology Assessment, 27(17),

Background: Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common problem that can significantly affect women’s lives until menopause. There is a lack of evidence on longer-term outcomes after seeking health care and treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding. Objectives... Read More about Rates of medical or surgical treatment for women with heavy menstrual bleeding: the ECLIPSE trial 10-year observational follow-up study.

Medical treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding in primary care: 10-year data from the ECLIPSE trial (2022)
Journal Article
Kai, J., Dutton, B., Vinogradova, Y., Hilken, N., Gupta, J., & Daniels, J. (2022). Medical treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding in primary care: 10-year data from the ECLIPSE trial. British Journal of General Practice, 72(725), e857-e864.

Background Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is a common problem that can significantly affect women's lives. There is a lack of evidence on long-term outcomes after seeking treatment. Aim To assess continuation rates of medical treatments and rates of... Read More about Medical treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding in primary care: 10-year data from the ECLIPSE trial.

Lactic acid gel versus metronidazole for recurrent bacterial vaginosis in women aged 16 years and over: the VITA RCT (2022)
Journal Article
Armstrong-Buisseret, L., Brittain, C., Kai, J., David, M., Anstey Watkins, J., Ozolins, M., Jackson, L., Abdali, Z., Hepburn, T., Griffiths, F., Montgomery, A., Daniels, J., Manley, A., Dean, G., & Ross, J. D. (2022). Lactic acid gel versus metronidazole for recurrent bacterial vaginosis in women aged 16 years and over: the VITA RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 26(2), 1-170.

BACKGROUND: Bacterial vaginosis is a common and distressing condition associated with serious comorbidities. Antibiotic treatment is usually clinically effective in the short term, but recurrence is common and side effects can occur. OBJECTIVES: The... Read More about Lactic acid gel versus metronidazole for recurrent bacterial vaginosis in women aged 16 years and over: the VITA RCT.

Metronidazole versus lactic acid for treating bacterial vaginosis (VITA): protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of topical lactic acid gel for treating second and subsequent episodes of bacterial vaginosis (2019)
Journal Article
Armstrong-Buisseret, L., Brittain, C., David, M., Dean, G., Griffiths, F., Hepburn, T., Jackson, L., Kai, J., Montgomery, A., Roberts, T., Thandi, S., & Ross, J. D. (2019). Metronidazole versus lactic acid for treating bacterial vaginosis (VITA): protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of topical lactic acid gel for treating second and subsequent episodes of bacterial vaginosis. Trials, 20, Article 648.

Background: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) affects 30 – 50% of women at some time in their lives and is an embarrassing and distressing condition which can be associated with potentially serious comorbidities. Current antibiotic treatments such as metronid... Read More about Metronidazole versus lactic acid for treating bacterial vaginosis (VITA): protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of topical lactic acid gel for treating second and subsequent episodes of bacterial vaginosis.

Acceptability of and treatment preferences for recurrent bacterial vaginosis—Topical lactic acid gel or oral metronidazole antibiotic: Qualitative findings from the VITA trial (2019)
Journal Article
Anstey Watkins, J., Ross, J. D. C., Thandi, S., Brittain, C., Kai, J., & Griffiths, F. (2019). Acceptability of and treatment preferences for recurrent bacterial vaginosis—Topical lactic acid gel or oral metronidazole antibiotic: Qualitative findings from the VITA trial. PLoS ONE, 14(11), Article e0224964.

Background: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is associated with an elevated vaginal pH and the presence of abnormal offensive discharge. It is common, often recurrent, and the most effective treatment regimen is unknown. ‘Metronidazole Versus lactic acId for... Read More about Acceptability of and treatment preferences for recurrent bacterial vaginosis—Topical lactic acid gel or oral metronidazole antibiotic: Qualitative findings from the VITA trial.