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Outputs (117)

Inpatient forensic-psychiatric care: legal frameworks and service provision in three European countries (2016)
Journal Article
Edworthy, R., Sampson, S., & Völlm, B. (2016). Inpatient forensic-psychiatric care: legal frameworks and service provision in three European countries. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 47,

Laws governing the detention and treatment of mentally disordered offenders (MDOs) vary widely across Europe, yet little information is available about the features of these laws and their comparative advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this... Read More about Inpatient forensic-psychiatric care: legal frameworks and service provision in three European countries.

Descriptive epidemiology of domain-specific sitting in working adults: the Stormont Study (2016)
Journal Article
Clemes, S., Houdmont, J., Munir, F., Wilson, K., Kerr, R., & Addley, K. (2016). Descriptive epidemiology of domain-specific sitting in working adults: the Stormont Study. Journal of Public Health, 38(1),

Given links between sedentary behaviour and unfavourable health outcomes, there is a need to understand the influence of socio-demographic factors on sedentary behaviour to inform effective interventions. This study examined domain-specif... Read More about Descriptive epidemiology of domain-specific sitting in working adults: the Stormont Study.

Developing mHealth Remote Monitoring Technology for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Qualitative Study Eliciting User Priorities and Needs (2016)
Journal Article
Simons, L., Valentine, A. Z., Falconer, C. J., Groom, M., Daley, D., Craven, M. P., Young, Z., Hall, C., & Hollis, C. (2016). Developing mHealth Remote Monitoring Technology for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Qualitative Study Eliciting User Priorities and Needs. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 4(1), Article e31.

Background: Guidelines in the United Kingdom recommend that medication titration for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should be completed within 4-6 weeks and include regular reviews. However, most clinicians think that weekly clinic c... Read More about Developing mHealth Remote Monitoring Technology for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Qualitative Study Eliciting User Priorities and Needs.

The Precondition Model as a method for developing understanding of female contact and non-contact sex offending: a single case study (2016)
Journal Article
Collins, S., & Duff, S. The Precondition Model as a method for developing understanding of female contact and non-contact sex offending: a single case study. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 15(1),

This research evaluates the use of an established model, typically used for understanding male sex offenders, to understand the behaviour of a female sex offender. The Finkelhor (1984) Precondition Model of offending is used to provide a rare opport... Read More about The Precondition Model as a method for developing understanding of female contact and non-contact sex offending: a single case study.

Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: revised third edition recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology (2016)
Journal Article
Goodwin, G., Haddad, P., Ferrier, I., Aronson, J., Barnes, T., Cipriani, A., Coghill, D., Fazel, S., Geddes, J., Grunze, H., Holmes, E., Howes, O., Hudson, S., Hunt, N., Jones, I., Macmillan, I., McAllister-Williams, H., Miklowitz, D., Morriss, R. K., Munafo, M., …Young, A. (2016). Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: revised third edition recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology,

The British Association for Psychopharmacology guidelines specify the scope and targets of treatment for bipolar disorder. The third version is based explicitly on the available evidence and presented, like previous Clinical Practice Guidelines, as r... Read More about Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: revised third edition recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology.

Multi-agency working and implications for care managers (2016)
Journal Article
Challis, D. J., Jasper, R., Wilberforce, M., Verbeek, H., & Challis, D. J. (2016). Multi-agency working and implications for care managers. Journal of Integrated Care, 24(2), 56-66.

© Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the association between multi-agency working and psychosocial characteristics of work, practitioner time-use and job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach - A c... Read More about Multi-agency working and implications for care managers.

Tweeting links to Cochrane Schizophrenia Group reviews: a randomised controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Adams, C. E., Jayaram, M., Bodart, A., Sampson, S., Zhao, S., & Montgomery, A. A. (2016). Tweeting links to Cochrane Schizophrenia Group reviews: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 6(3), Article e010509.

Objective: To assess the effects of using health social media on web activity.
Design: Individually randomised controlled parallel group superiority trial.
Setting: Twitter and Weibo.
Participants: 170 Cochrane Schizophrenia Group full reviews wit... Read More about Tweeting links to Cochrane Schizophrenia Group reviews: a randomised controlled trial.

The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM): alternative to the PCL-R? (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, L., & Tully, R. (in press). The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM): alternative to the PCL-R?. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 27,

Psychopathic personality disorder is the subject of many research papers and in particular in the context of forensic settings, where its link to risk of future violence has been established. This topic is well examined but there is still considerabl... Read More about The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM): alternative to the PCL-R?.

Person-centredness in the care of older adults: A systematic review of questionnaire-based scales and their measurement properties (2016)
Journal Article
Wilberforce, M., Challis, D., Davies, L., Kelly, M. P., Roberts, C., & Loynes, N. (2016). Person-centredness in the care of older adults: A systematic review of questionnaire-based scales and their measurement properties. BMC Geriatrics, 16, Article 63.

© 2016 Wilberforce et al. Background: Person-centredness is promoted as a central feature of the long-Term care of older adults. Measures are needed to assist researchers, service planners and regulators in assessing this feature of quality. However,... Read More about Person-centredness in the care of older adults: A systematic review of questionnaire-based scales and their measurement properties.

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of self-harm repetition and recovery in young adults (2016)
Journal Article
Wadman, R., Clarke, D., Sayal, K., Vostanis, P., Armstrong, M., Harroe, C., Majumder, P., & Townsend, E. (2016). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of self-harm repetition and recovery in young adults. Journal of Health Psychology,

Six young adults (19–21) with repeat self-harm for over five years were interviewed about their self-harm, why they continued and what factors might help them to stop. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis identified six themes: Keeping self-harm... Read More about An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of self-harm repetition and recovery in young adults.