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Outputs (2)

The psychological assessment of clerics (2017)
Journal Article
Jack, A., & Wilcox, D. T. (2018). The psychological assessment of clerics. Pastoral Psychology, 67(1), 55-64.

The psychological assessment of novice and experienced clerics is an important component of ordination, suitability, and risk evaluation to ensure that representatives of religious organizations are equipped, motivated, and safe for a life commitment... Read More about The psychological assessment of clerics.

Paranoid thinking, cognitive bias and dangerous neighbourhoods: implications for perception of threat and expectation of victimisation (2015)
Journal Article
Jack, A., & Egan, V. (2016). Paranoid thinking, cognitive bias and dangerous neighbourhoods: implications for perception of threat and expectation of victimisation. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 62(2), 123-132.

Background: Paranoid thinking is prevalent in the non-clinical population and cognitive mechanisms of heuristic reasoning and jumping to conclusions bias contributes to its formation and maintenance.

Aims: This study investigated the degree to wh... Read More about Paranoid thinking, cognitive bias and dangerous neighbourhoods: implications for perception of threat and expectation of victimisation.