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A systematic review of air pollution as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in South Asia: Limited evidence from India and Pakistan (2013)
Journal Article
Yamamoto, S., Phalkey, R., & Malik, A. (2014). A systematic review of air pollution as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in South Asia: Limited evidence from India and Pakistan. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 217(2-3), 133-144.

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are major contributors to mortality and morbidity in South Asia. Chronic exposure to air pollution is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, although the majority of studies to date have been conducted in... Read More about A systematic review of air pollution as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in South Asia: Limited evidence from India and Pakistan.

Characterizing tobacco control mass media campaigns in England (2013)
Journal Article
Langley, T., Lewis, S., McNeill, A., Gilmore, A., Szatkowski, L., West, R., & Sims, M. (2013). Characterizing tobacco control mass media campaigns in England. Addiction, 108(11),

To characterize publically funded tobacco control campaigns in England between 2004 and 2010 and to explore if they were in line with recommendations from the literature in terms of their content and intensity. International evidence suggests t... Read More about Characterizing tobacco control mass media campaigns in England.

Tobacco smoking and disability progression in multiple sclerosis: United Kingdom cohort study (2013)
Journal Article
Manouchehrinia, A., Tench, C. R., Maxted, J., Bibani, R. H., Britton, J., & Constantinescu, C. S. (2013). Tobacco smoking and disability progression in multiple sclerosis: United Kingdom cohort study. Brain, 136(7),

Tobacco smoking has been linked to an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. However, to date, results from the few studies on the impact of smoking on the progression of disability are conflicting. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects... Read More about Tobacco smoking and disability progression in multiple sclerosis: United Kingdom cohort study.

The incidence of first venous thromboembolism in and around pregnancy using linked primary and secondary care data: a population based cohort study from England and comparative meta-analysis (2013)
Journal Article
Sultan, A. A., Tata, L. J., Grainge, M. J., & West, J. (2013). The incidence of first venous thromboembolism in and around pregnancy using linked primary and secondary care data: a population based cohort study from England and comparative meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 8(7), Article e70310.

Background: Recent linkage between primary and secondary care data has provided valuable information for studying
heath outcomes that may initially present in different health care settings. The aim of this study was therefore, twofold: to use linke... Read More about The incidence of first venous thromboembolism in and around pregnancy using linked primary and secondary care data: a population based cohort study from England and comparative meta-analysis.

Six-month outcomes following an emergency hospital admission for older adults with co-morbid mental health problems indicate complexity of care needs (2013)
Journal Article
Bradshaw, L., Goldberg, S. E., Lewis, S. A., Whittamore, K., Gladman, J. R., Jones, R. G., & Harwood, R. H. (2013). Six-month outcomes following an emergency hospital admission for older adults with co-morbid mental health problems indicate complexity of care needs. Age and Ageing, 42(5),

two-thirds of older patients admitted as an emergency to a general hospital have co-existing mental health problems including delirium, dementia and depression. This study describes the outcomes of older adults with co-morbid mental heal... Read More about Six-month outcomes following an emergency hospital admission for older adults with co-morbid mental health problems indicate complexity of care needs.

Socioeconomic variations in access to smoking cessation interventions in UK primary care: insights using the Mosaic classification in a large dataset of primary care records (2013)
Journal Article
Douglas, L., & Szatkowski, L. (2013). Socioeconomic variations in access to smoking cessation interventions in UK primary care: insights using the Mosaic classification in a large dataset of primary care records. BMC Public Health, 13(June), Article 7.

Smoking prevalence is particularly high amongst more deprived social groups. This cross-sectional study uses the Mosaic classification to explore socioeconomic variations in the delivery and/or uptake of cessation interventions in UK prim... Read More about Socioeconomic variations in access to smoking cessation interventions in UK primary care: insights using the Mosaic classification in a large dataset of primary care records.

Comorbidities affect risk of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (2013)
Journal Article
Crooks, C. J., West, J., & Card, T. R. (2013). Comorbidities affect risk of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastroenterology, 144(7), Article 1384-1393.e2.

Background & Aims
The incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) has not been reduced despite the decreasing incidence of peptic ulcers, strategies to eradicate Helicobacter pylori infection, and prophylaxis against ulceration from nonsteroi... Read More about Comorbidities affect risk of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

The forgotten smoker: a qualitative study of attitudes towards smoking, quitting, and tobacco control policies among continuing smokers (2013)
Journal Article
Uppal, N., Shahab, L., Britton, J., & Ratschen, E. (2013). The forgotten smoker: a qualitative study of attitudes towards smoking, quitting, and tobacco control policies among continuing smokers. BMC Public Health, 13(May), Article 9.

Background: Although research suggests that the majority of smokers want to quit smoking, the uptake of Stop Smoking Services, designed to assist smokers with quitting, remains low. Little is known about continuing smokers who do not access these ser... Read More about The forgotten smoker: a qualitative study of attitudes towards smoking, quitting, and tobacco control policies among continuing smokers.

The communication of a secondary care diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis to primary care practitioners: a population-based study (2013)
Journal Article
Varyani, F., Card, T. R., Kaye, P., Aithal, G. P., & West, J. (2013). The communication of a secondary care diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis to primary care practitioners: a population-based study. BMC Health Services Research, 13(161), Article 161.

Autoimmune Hepatitis is a chronic liver disease which affects young people and can result in liver failure leading to death or transplantation yet there is a lack of information on the incidence and prevalence of this disease and its natu... Read More about The communication of a secondary care diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis to primary care practitioners: a population-based study.