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Outputs (7)

Prevalence and determinants of tobacco use among young people in the Gambia (2017)
Journal Article
Jallow, I. K., Britton, J., & Langley, T. (2017). Prevalence and determinants of tobacco use among young people in the Gambia. BMJ Global Health, 2(4), Article e000482.

Introduction: Tobacco consumption, and consequent morbidity and mortality, are expected to grow most markedly over coming decades in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Preventing tobacco experimentation and uptake among young people in LMICs is... Read More about Prevalence and determinants of tobacco use among young people in the Gambia.

Frequency of stepping down antibiotics and nebuliser treatment is lower at weekends compared to weekdays: an observational study (2017)
Journal Article
Lewis, S., Langley, T., Lacey, J., Skelly, R., Norwood, M., Sturrock, N., & Fogarty, A. W. (2017). Frequency of stepping down antibiotics and nebuliser treatment is lower at weekends compared to weekdays: an observational study. Clinical Medicine, 17(6),

We hypothesised that delays in providing non-urgent medication step-downs at weekends to medical management may be associated with increased length of stay.In a novel use of electronic prescribing data, we analysed emergency admissions from a busy ac... Read More about Frequency of stepping down antibiotics and nebuliser treatment is lower at weekends compared to weekdays: an observational study.

Awareness of standardised tobacco packaging among adults and young people during the final phase of policy implementation in Great Britain (2017)
Journal Article
Bogdanovica, I., Opazo-Breton, M., Langley, T., & Britton, J. (2017). Awareness of standardised tobacco packaging among adults and young people during the final phase of policy implementation in Great Britain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(8),

Background: In May 2016, along with the latest European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), standardised packaging legislation was implemented in the UK. During the following 12-month transition period, both new and old types of packaging were allowed... Read More about Awareness of standardised tobacco packaging among adults and young people during the final phase of policy implementation in Great Britain.

Rapidly Increasing Trend of Recorded Alcohol Consumption Since the End of the Armed Conflict in Sri Lanka (2017)
Journal Article
Nugawela, M. D., Lewis, S., Szatkowski, L., & Langley, T. (2017). Rapidly Increasing Trend of Recorded Alcohol Consumption Since the End of the Armed Conflict in Sri Lanka. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 52(5), 550-556.

Aim: To evaluate temporal changes in recorded alcohol consumption in Sri Lanka during and after the armed conflict 1998 – 2013.

Methods: District level alcohol sales, and mid-year population data for the whole study period (1998-2013) were consis... Read More about Rapidly Increasing Trend of Recorded Alcohol Consumption Since the End of the Armed Conflict in Sri Lanka.

A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India (2017)
Journal Article
Ahankari, A. S., Myles, P. R., Tsang, S., Khan, F., Atre, S., Langley, T., Kudale, A., & Bains, M. (in press). A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India. Anthropology and Medicine,

The co-existence of different types of medical systems (medical pluralism) is a typical feature of India's healthcare system. For conditions such as influenza-like illness (ILI), where non-specific disease signs/symptoms exist, clinical reasoning in... Read More about A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India.

Price-minimizing behaviors in response to increasing tobacco price: a cross-sectional study of students (2017)
Journal Article
Rutter, L., Britton, J., & Langley, T. (in press). Price-minimizing behaviors in response to increasing tobacco price: a cross-sectional study of students. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 26(5),

Background: The public health benefits of tobacco taxation are undermined when smokers engage in price-minimising behaviours other than quitting in response to rising prices. These include switching from smoking manufactured cigarettes to cheaper alt... Read More about Price-minimizing behaviors in response to increasing tobacco price: a cross-sectional study of students.

The impact of TV mass media campaigns on calls to a national quitline and the use of prescribed nicotine replacement therapy: a Structural vector autoregression analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Haghpanahan, H., Mackay, D. F., Pell, J. P., Bell, D., Langley, T., & Haw, S. (2017). The impact of TV mass media campaigns on calls to a national quitline and the use of prescribed nicotine replacement therapy: a Structural vector autoregression analysis. Addiction, 112(7),

Aims: To estimate 1) the immediate impact; 2) the cumulative impact; and 3) the duration of impact of Scottish tobacco control TV mass media campaigns (MMCs) on smoking cessation activity, as measured by calls to Smokeline and the volume of prescribe... Read More about The impact of TV mass media campaigns on calls to a national quitline and the use of prescribed nicotine replacement therapy: a Structural vector autoregression analysis.