Predictive value of fetal growth trajectory from 20 weeks of gestation onwards for severe adverse perinatal outcomes in low‐risk population: secondary analysis of IRIS study
Journal Article
Kamphof, H. D., van Roekel, M., Henrichs, J., de Vreede, H., Verhoeven, C. J., Franx, A., de Jonge, A., Ganzevoort, W., & Gordijn, S. J. (2023). Predictive value of fetal growth trajectory from 20 weeks of gestation onwards for severe adverse perinatal outcomes in low‐risk population: secondary analysis of IRIS study. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 62(6), 796-804.
Fetal growth restriction (FGR) remains a challenging condition in diagnosis and monitoring-management strategies. The underlying placental dysfunction may result in severe adverse perinatal outcomes (SAPO) related to fetal hypoxia. The tr...
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