Ratlas-LH: An MRI template of the Lister hooded rat brain with stereotaxic coordinates for neurosurgical implantations
Journal Article
Prior, M. J., Bast, T., McGarrity, S., Goldschmidt, J., Vincenz, D., Seaton, A., Hall, G., & Pitiot, A. (2021). Ratlas-LH: An MRI template of the Lister hooded rat brain with stereotaxic coordinates for neurosurgical implantations. Brain and Neuroscience Advances, 5,
There is currently no brain atlas available to specifically determine stereotaxic coordinates for neurosurgery in Lister hooded rats despite the popularity of this strain for behavioural neuroscience studies in the UK and elsewhere. We have created a... Read More about Ratlas-LH: An MRI template of the Lister hooded rat brain with stereotaxic coordinates for neurosurgical implantations.