Transcriptomic analyses reveal rhythmic and CLOCK-driven pathways in human skeletal muscle
Journal Article
Perrin, L., Loizides-Mangold, U., Chanon, S., Gobet, C., Hulo, N., Isenegger, L., Weger, B. D. .., Migliavacca, E., Charpagne, A., Betts, J. A., Walhin, J.-P., Templeman, I., Stokes, K., Thompson, D., Tsintzas, K., Robert, M., Howald, C., Riezman, H., Feige, J. N., Karagounis, L. G., …Dibner, C. (2018). Transcriptomic analyses reveal rhythmic and CLOCK-driven pathways in human skeletal muscle. eLife, 7, Article e34114.
Circadian regulation of transcriptional processes has a broad impact on cell metabolism. Here, we compared the diurnal transcriptome of human skeletal muscle conducted on serial muscle biopsies in vivo with profiles of human skeletal myotubes synchro... Read More about Transcriptomic analyses reveal rhythmic and CLOCK-driven pathways in human skeletal muscle.