Rethinking the Didache’s evidence for eucharistic practices in the light of the diversity of practice witnessed in Luke 22:17-20
Book Chapter
O'Loughlin, T. (2021). Rethinking the Didache’s evidence for eucharistic practices in the light of the diversity of practice witnessed in Luke 22:17-20. In Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019. Volume 22: Liturgica, Tractatus symboli; Orientalia; Critica et Philologica (31-38). Peeters
If our paradigm of the early churches is one of variety in practice preceding uniform ‘accepted’ forms, then we need to look again at many instances where early evidence for practice was by-passed as aberrant or sectarian. The sequence of eucharistic... Read More about Rethinking the Didache’s evidence for eucharistic practices in the light of the diversity of practice witnessed in Luke 22:17-20.