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The Lands of Saint Ambrose: Monks and Society in Early Medieval Milan (2019)
Balzaretti, R. (2019). The Lands of Saint Ambrose: Monks and Society in Early Medieval Milan. Brepols Publishers.

This book is a history of Milan in the early medieval period. It investigates the political, social, and economic aspects of the transformation of the Roman world in one of its major centres. Its main theme is the role of monastic communities in this... Read More about The Lands of Saint Ambrose: Monks and Society in Early Medieval Milan.

Crossing the River Magra in the “land of broken bridges”: risk in early nineteenth-century travel narratives (2019)
Journal Article
Balzaretti, R. (2019). Crossing the River Magra in the “land of broken bridges”: risk in early nineteenth-century travel narratives. Journal of Risk Research, 22(9), 1101-1115.

On the 25 October 2011 the River Magra in the far east of the Italian region of Liguria flooded with catastrophic effects, killing thirteen people and causing millions of euros in damage. Managing such an extreme episode is very hard, as local policy... Read More about Crossing the River Magra in the “land of broken bridges”: risk in early nineteenth-century travel narratives.