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Outputs (5)

Art and landscape history: British artists in nineteenth-century Val d’Aosta (NW Italy) (2018)
Journal Article
Piana, P., Watkins, C., & Balzaretti, R. (2018). Art and landscape history: British artists in nineteenth-century Val d’Aosta (NW Italy). Landscape History, 39(2), 91-108.

This paper explores the value of landscape and topographical art for understanding contemporary landscapes of the Val d’Aosta, NW Italy. The region became very popular with British tourists in the early nineteenth-century and several amateur and prof... Read More about Art and landscape history: British artists in nineteenth-century Val d’Aosta (NW Italy).

Travel, modernity and rural landscapes in nineteenth-century Liguria (2018)
Journal Article
Piana, P., Watkins, C., & Balzaretti, R. (2018). Travel, modernity and rural landscapes in nineteenth-century Liguria. Rural History, 29(2), 167-193.

New roads and later railways were essential for the modernisation and rapid economic development of North-western Italy in the early nineteenth century. The new routes also encouraged an increasing number of foreign travellers to visit the region. Th... Read More about Travel, modernity and rural landscapes in nineteenth-century Liguria.

Italy and early medieval Europe: papers for Chris Wickham (2018)
Balzaretti, R., Barrow, J., & Skinner, P. (Eds.). (2018). Italy and early medieval Europe: papers for Chris Wickham. Oxford University Press

This volume represents a comprehensive survey of recent work in medieval Italian history and archaeology by an international cast of contributors, arranged within a broader context of studies of other regions and major historical transitions in Europ... Read More about Italy and early medieval Europe: papers for Chris Wickham.

Early Medieval Genoa (2018)
Book Chapter
Balzaretti, R. (in press). Early Medieval Genoa. In C. Beneš (Ed.), A companion to Medieval Genoa. Brill

The earliest coherent written documentation for Genoa in the early medieval period is from the latter part of the tenth century. Charters documenting the property transactions of several local churches (notably San Siro and Santo Stefano) reveal that... Read More about Early Medieval Genoa.