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‘Saved from the sordid axe’: representation and understanding of pine trees by English visitors to Italy in the eighteenth and nineteenth century (2016)
Journal Article
Piana, P., Watkins, C., & Balzaretti, R. (in press). ‘Saved from the sordid axe’: representation and understanding of pine trees by English visitors to Italy in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Landscape History, 37(2),

Pine trees were frequently depicted and celebrated by nineteenth century English artists and travellers in Italy. The amateur artist and connoisseur Sir George Beaumont was horrified to discover in 1821 that many Roman stone pines were being felled a... Read More about ‘Saved from the sordid axe’: representation and understanding of pine trees by English visitors to Italy in the eighteenth and nineteenth century.

Narratives of success and narratives of failure: representations of the career of King Hugh of Italy (c.885-948) (2016)
Journal Article
Balzaretti, R. (2016). Narratives of success and narratives of failure: representations of the career of King Hugh of Italy (c.885-948). Early Medieval Europe, 24(2), 185-208.

Hugh of Arles, King of Italy between 926 and 947, has come to be regarded as one of the more successful kings of Italy in the tenth century. The evidence of his charters supports this conclusion, showing how effectively he managed to insert members o... Read More about Narratives of success and narratives of failure: representations of the career of King Hugh of Italy (c.885-948).