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Outputs (12)

John Foster Dulles, Illness, Masculinity and US Foreign Relations, 1953–1961 (2016)
Journal Article
Sewell, B. (2017). John Foster Dulles, Illness, Masculinity and US Foreign Relations, 1953–1961. International History Review, 39(4), 713-747.

In the last two decades, scholars have increasingly looked to understand the way that socially constructed norms and values have influenced the course of international diplomacy. Yet while much work has been produced on areas such as gender, far less... Read More about John Foster Dulles, Illness, Masculinity and US Foreign Relations, 1953–1961.

“Seeing in the dark”: the aesthetics of disappearance and remembrance in the work of Alberto Rey (2016)
Journal Article
Lewthwaite, S. (2017). “Seeing in the dark”: the aesthetics of disappearance and remembrance in the work of Alberto Rey. Journal of American Studies, 51(2),

This article examines how contemporary Cuban American artists have experimented with visual languages of trauma to construct an intergenerational memory about the losses of exile and migration. It considers the work of artist Alberto Rey, and his lay... Read More about “Seeing in the dark”: the aesthetics of disappearance and remembrance in the work of Alberto Rey.

National stories and narrative voice in the fiction of Joshua Ferris (2016)
Journal Article
Maxey, R. (2016). National stories and narrative voice in the fiction of Joshua Ferris. Critique, 57(2), 208-216.

In his début novel, Then We Came to the End (2007), Joshua Ferris narrates his story of a pre-9/11 Chicago advertising agency in the first-person plural. Such narrative experimentation recurs across his fiction and is often linked to national concern... Read More about National stories and narrative voice in the fiction of Joshua Ferris.

A rather tedious and unfortunate affair: the Rahi saga and the troubled origins of Indo–Soviet cinematic exchange (2016)
Journal Article
McGarr, P. M. (2016). A rather tedious and unfortunate affair: the Rahi saga and the troubled origins of Indo–Soviet cinematic exchange. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 36(1), 5-20.

This article breaks new ground by reframing the context in which the governments of India and the Soviet Union arrived at an understanding that determined the course of cinematic exchange between the two countries during the cold war. It suggests tha... Read More about A rather tedious and unfortunate affair: the Rahi saga and the troubled origins of Indo–Soviet cinematic exchange.