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The Anglo-American synecdoche?: Thomas Jefferson’s British legacy 1800-1865 (2015)
Journal Article
O'Connor, P. (2015). The Anglo-American synecdoche?: Thomas Jefferson’s British legacy 1800-1865. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 13(2),

This article is focused on one of the behemoths of American history, Thomas Jefferson. Unlike most studies, however, it removes the Virginian statesman from his familiar American context in order to illustrate his significance as a British icon. It c... Read More about The Anglo-American synecdoche?: Thomas Jefferson’s British legacy 1800-1865.

Acts of violence: the World War II veteran private-eye movie as an ideological crime series (2015)
Book Chapter
Heffernan, N. (2015). Acts of violence: the World War II veteran private-eye movie as an ideological crime series. In C. Miranda, J. Anderson, & B. Pezzotti (Eds.), Serial crime fiction: dying for more. Palgrave Macmillan.

According to Gramsci, serial tales are ‘a powerful factor in the formation of the mentality and morality of the people’. ‘The serial novel’, he suggests, ‘is a real way of day-dreaming’ whose heroes ‘enter into the intellectual life of the people […]... Read More about Acts of violence: the World War II veteran private-eye movie as an ideological crime series.

‘Do we still need the CIA?’ Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the Central Intelligence Agency and US foreign policy (2015)
Journal Article
McGarr, P. M. (2015). ‘Do we still need the CIA?’ Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the Central Intelligence Agency and US foreign policy. History, 100(340), 275-292.

In May 1991, writing in the op-ed column of the New York Times, the US Senator for New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, called for the Central Intelligence Agency to be disbanded. Arguing that the CIA represented an historical anachronism that had outl... Read More about ‘Do we still need the CIA?’ Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the Central Intelligence Agency and US foreign policy.

‘The viceroys are disappearing from the roundabouts in Delhi’: British symbols of power in post-colonial India (2015)
Journal Article
McGarr, P. M. (2015). ‘The viceroys are disappearing from the roundabouts in Delhi’: British symbols of power in post-colonial India. Modern Asian Studies, 49(3), 787-831.

In the aftermath of the Second World War, as postcolonial regimes in Africa and Asia hauled down imperial iconography, to the surprise and approval of many Western observers, India evidenced little interest in sweeping away remnants of its colonial h... Read More about ‘The viceroys are disappearing from the roundabouts in Delhi’: British symbols of power in post-colonial India.

Martin Luther King (2015)
Ling, P. (2015). Martin Luther King. (Second edition). Routledge (Taylor and Francis)