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Special Issue Introduction: Early American Fictionality (2021)
Journal Article
Pethers, M., & Koenigs, T. (2021). Special Issue Introduction: Early American Fictionality. Early American Literature, 56(3), 669-698.

This introduction to the special issue “Early American Fictionality” provides a detailed overview of the concept of fictionality and a concise history of its scholarly uses and outlines a vision of what greater attention to it in early American liter... Read More about Special Issue Introduction: Early American Fictionality.

The Early American Novel in Fragments: Reading and Writing Serial Fiction in the Post-Revolutionary United States (2014)
Book Chapter
PETHERS, M. (2014). The Early American Novel in Fragments: Reading and Writing Serial Fiction in the Post-Revolutionary United States. In P. Parrinder, A. Nash, & N. Wilson (Eds.), New Directions in the History of the Novel (63-75). Palgrave Macmillan.

Following the trend towards authoritative ‘collected works’ and definitive ‘libraries of classics’ inaugurated in both Britain and the United States in the 1860s, publishers today tend to package old novels in a seamless, self-contained, visually uni... Read More about The Early American Novel in Fragments: Reading and Writing Serial Fiction in the Post-Revolutionary United States.