Nineteenth Century Transnationalism and the Literary Magazine
Book Chapter
Thompson, G. (2021). Nineteenth Century Transnationalism and the Literary Magazine. In T. Lanzendörfer (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to the British and North American Literary Magazine (36-44). Routledge.
Outputs (2)
Routes into American Realism (2021)
Book Chapter
Thompson, G. (2021). Routes into American Realism. In Landscapes of Realism: Rethinking Literary Realism(s) in Global Comparative Perspective (213–230). John Benjamins Publishing. is usually associated with American literature written after the Civil War. This essay argues that realism was also a significant force during the late-eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. The argument proceeds in three parts. First, the... Read More about Routes into American Realism.