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Outputs (8)

The political perils of Cold War foreign relations: Adlai Stevenson’s democrats and foreign policy in the 1956 presidential election (2017)
Journal Article
Sewell, B. (2017). The political perils of Cold War foreign relations: Adlai Stevenson’s democrats and foreign policy in the 1956 presidential election. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 28(4), 619-645.

This article uses the case of the 1956 presidential election between Adlai Stevenson and Dwight Eisenhower to highlight the ways that an obsession with foreign relations could, in fact, prove problematic to a campaign. Focusing primarily on Stevenson... Read More about The political perils of Cold War foreign relations: Adlai Stevenson’s democrats and foreign policy in the 1956 presidential election.

Pragmatism, religion, and John Foster Dulles’s embrace of Christian internationalism in the 1930s (2017)
Journal Article
Sewell, B. (2017). Pragmatism, religion, and John Foster Dulles’s embrace of Christian internationalism in the 1930s. Diplomatic History, 41(4), 799-823.

This article focuses on John Foster Dulles's engagement with religion and the role it played in his worldview. In doing so, it argues that his embrace of Christian internationalism should be seen as a part of an intellectual progression shaped by Pra... Read More about Pragmatism, religion, and John Foster Dulles’s embrace of Christian internationalism in the 1930s.

The 'war on terror' and the new periphery (2017)
Book Chapter
Ryan, M. (2017). The 'war on terror' and the new periphery. In B. Sewell, & M. Ryan (Eds.), Foreign policy at the periphery: the shifting margins of international relations since World War II. University Press of Kentucky

This chapter exmaines the emergence of 'peripheral' fronts in the Bush administration's 'war on terror.' Since this 'war' was conceived from its inception as global in scope, it permitted the development of both 'core' and 'peripheral' fronts - the l... Read More about The 'war on terror' and the new periphery.

John Foster Dulles, Illness, Masculinity and US Foreign Relations, 1953–1961 (2016)
Journal Article
Sewell, B. (2017). John Foster Dulles, Illness, Masculinity and US Foreign Relations, 1953–1961. International History Review, 39(4), 713-747.

In the last two decades, scholars have increasingly looked to understand the way that socially constructed norms and values have influenced the course of international diplomacy. Yet while much work has been produced on areas such as gender, far less... Read More about John Foster Dulles, Illness, Masculinity and US Foreign Relations, 1953–1961.

“We need not be ashamed of our own economic profit motive”: Britain, Latin America, and the Alliance for Progress, 1959-63 (2014)
Journal Article
Sewell, B. (2014). “We need not be ashamed of our own economic profit motive”: Britain, Latin America, and the Alliance for Progress, 1959-63. International History Review, 37(3),

This article traces British policy discussions over their position in Latin America between 1959 and 1963. In particular, it looks at the way British officials interacted with the John F. Kennedy administration's flagship Alliance for Progress and ex... Read More about “We need not be ashamed of our own economic profit motive”: Britain, Latin America, and the Alliance for Progress, 1959-63.

The pragmatic face of the covert idealist: the role of Allen Dulles in US policy discussions on Latin America, 1953–61 (2011)
Journal Article
Sewell, B. (2011). The pragmatic face of the covert idealist: the role of Allen Dulles in US policy discussions on Latin America, 1953–61. Intelligence and National Security, 26(2-3),

Assessments of the CIA’s role in Latin America during the 1950s have tended to focus predominantly on the twin case-studies of Guatemala and Cuba. Consequently, the Agency’s role – and, more broadly, that of its head Allen Dulles – has come to be see... Read More about The pragmatic face of the covert idealist: the role of Allen Dulles in US policy discussions on Latin America, 1953–61.

Early modernization theory?: the Eisenhower administration and the foreign policy of development in Brazil (2010)
Journal Article
Sewell, B. (2010). Early modernization theory?: the Eisenhower administration and the foreign policy of development in Brazil. English Historical Review, CXXV(517),

Existing views of the Dwight D. Eisenhower administration’s policies in Latin America have tended to portray its approach as being either fixated upon waging the Cold War, or overly concerned with quelling outbreaks of Latin American economic nationa... Read More about Early modernization theory?: the Eisenhower administration and the foreign policy of development in Brazil.