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Outputs (381)

Jordanes and the Date of the Epitome de Caesaribus (2021)
Journal Article
Woudhuysen, G., & Stover, J. (2021). Jordanes and the Date of the Epitome de Caesaribus. Histos, 15, 150-188

The Epitome de Caesaribus is universally assumed to be a work of the late fourth or early fifth centuries. In this article, we demonstrate that the Epitome was in fact compiled at some point after the middle of the sixth century, by showing on textua... Read More about Jordanes and the Date of the Epitome de Caesaribus.

Tripolis and Orthosia tetradrachms of Caracalla: Attribution and analysis of ‘pilei’ and ‘idol’ tetradrachms (2021)
Journal Article
Kropp, A. (2021). Tripolis and Orthosia tetradrachms of Caracalla: Attribution and analysis of ‘pilei’ and ‘idol’ tetradrachms. Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie, 156, 143-189

This article discusses two groups of Syro-Phoenician tetradrachms of Caracalla generally attributed to Ptolemais in Phoenicia, one with mintmarks depicting the caps of the Dioscuri (pilei), the other a local cult image. Based on a close examination o... Read More about Tripolis and Orthosia tetradrachms of Caracalla: Attribution and analysis of ‘pilei’ and ‘idol’ tetradrachms.

A Roman altar on Mount Gerizim: Rediscovering a civic icon on tetradrachms of Neapolis (Samaria) (2021)
Journal Article
Kropp, A. J. M. (2021). A Roman altar on Mount Gerizim: Rediscovering a civic icon on tetradrachms of Neapolis (Samaria). Journal of Roman Archaeology, 34(1), 220-236.

This article examines the iconography of a type of Caracalla tetradrachm that has been newly attributed to Neapolis in Roman Palestine and whose reverse depicts a monumental altar decorated with statues of Tyche, Ephesian Artemis, and Kore Persephone... Read More about A Roman altar on Mount Gerizim: Rediscovering a civic icon on tetradrachms of Neapolis (Samaria).

L'atlante inedito di Chierici: gli albi e le carte di distribuzione dei ritrovamenti preistorici nel contesto europeo (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pearce, M. L'atlante inedito di Chierici: gli albi e le carte di distribuzione dei ritrovamenti preistorici nel contesto europeo. Presented at Attualità di don Gaetano Chierici: archeologo, museologo e maestro di impegno civile, Reggio Emilia, Italy

At his death in 1886, Gaetano Chierici was preparing an Atlante della paletnologia del Reggiano (Atlas of the prehistory of the province of Reggio Emilia), which he probably intended should include his unpublished Albo of 14 lithographic plates of si... Read More about L'atlante inedito di Chierici: gli albi e le carte di distribuzione dei ritrovamenti preistorici nel contesto europeo.

The historical significance of Frattesina (2021)
Journal Article
Pearce, M. (2021). The historical significance of Frattesina. Padusa, Bollettino del Centro Polesano, 56 (2020), 163-172

This paper offers a brief overview of the key points of scholarly agreement in the interpretation of Frattesina, a manufacturing and trading centre at the head of the Adriatic, in north-east Italy, that flourished between the twelfth and ninth centur... Read More about The historical significance of Frattesina.

Late Archaic Funerary Painting in Greek and Native Apulia (2020)
Book Chapter
D'Angelo, T. (2020). Late Archaic Funerary Painting in Greek and Native Apulia. In A. Meriani, & G. Zuchtriegel (Eds.), La tomba del Tuffatore: Rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel Mediterraneo d'epoca tardo-arcaica. Edizioni ETS

Children and death in the Bronze and early Iron Age Aegean (2020)
Book Chapter
Gallou, C. (2020). Children and death in the Bronze and early Iron Age Aegean. In L. Beaumont, M. Dillon, & N. Harrington (Eds.), Childhood in antiquity: perspectives and experiences of childhood in the ancient Mediterranean. Routledge

The study of children and childhood remains largely marginalised in the archaeology of the prehistoric Aegean. Thus, this study aims to make Mycenaean children visible in archaeological research by discussing the treatment of non-adults at death in m... Read More about Children and death in the Bronze and early Iron Age Aegean.

Caves and rock shelters, burials and smelting (2020)
Journal Article
Pearce, M. (2020). Caves and rock shelters, burials and smelting. Metalla, Sonderheft 10, 17-21.

This paper is an extended abstract for the International Conference on Resources and Transformation in Pre-modern Societies, Bochum 19–21 November 2020, 11 December 2020 and 15 January 2021. It discusses the world view of Copper Age and Early Bronze... Read More about Caves and rock shelters, burials and smelting.